21;;The story

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Double update!:3

I hope y'all didn't skip the previous chapter

Not a really fluffy chapter ___ trigger warning

(I'll tell you when it starts and when it ends)


Song recommendation- Tomorrow- BTS

bruh this song is underrated

bruh this song is underrated

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No One's Pov.

The prince sighed, squeezing Jeongguk's hands."I can— I can get pregnant."

Taehyung shut his eyes close, scared of Jeongguk's reaction, he has big hope ik his heart that the male would accept him, even if there's a chance he would get weirded out too.

"Oh, that's cute." Jeongguk's voice was heard, making Taehyung open his eyes, a sigh leaving his lips.

"Y-you don't think it's weird?" the prince asked, his eyes lost as he stared at Jeongguk, making the male in front of him coo.

"No, if anything, that's a bonus." Jeongguk said, he really had no problem with children, in fact he wants one , he could carry in his arms everywhere and teach him new stuff, just like his late father did.

He could picture himself and Taehyung together with a child,the sight is just too sweet.

He cut got out of his thoughts when he heard a sniffle, making his eyes turn worried as he looked at the prince who has tears streaming down his cheeks, crying silently.

"Angel, why are you crying?" Jeongguk asked, rubbing circle on the back of Taehyung's palm, in attempt to make the younger feel better.

"Y-you're just too sweet, I don't deserve you." Taehyung said, his voice breaking by second.

"I'm not sweet Tae, all of this is just for you." Jeongguk said as he made Taehyung lean on him, head resting on his chest.

"No, you have a sweet heart I can tell." Taehyung said softly, sniffing from time to another as he listened to the other's heartbeat, which brings him comfort.

"I killed people."

"I don't care."

"I stole."

"That's the past, you don't really need that now."

"I'm a bad brother."


"See?" The pirate chuckled, earning a small hit from Taehyung's fist on his chest.

"Why are you so cold to Minji?" Taehyung huffed. "She's such a sweet girl."

Jeongguk sighed, stroking Taehyung's hair. "Story time?" He asked, earning a nod from Taehyung.

"Minji came into my life when I was like twenty or twenty one, she's actually my step sister."

"But she's the daughter of a woman I despise." Jeongguk paused, feeling anger built in his body, but soon relaxed as he kept stroking Taehyung's soft hair.

(Trigger warning;blood&Violence)

"My supposed to be step-mother, who gave birth to her, used my father just for his money like it seems, we were and still are rich pirates, I was just discovering the world back then when I found her stabbing him several times."

"I can't forget the scene, sh-she kept pulling the knife in and out while there was blood all over the bed, she was stabbing him while he's sleeping, the whole ship was sleeping, I just got up to because I heard Minji crying, she was next to me that time."

8 years ago

Jeongguk groaned as he sat up on his bed, looking at the source of noise who was crying beside him.

"You're sure a noisy sister arent you?" he playfully asked, unfortunately resulting the baby to cry more.

"Okay okay wait— I'll get your mother." He sighed, he knew nothing about how to calm a 1-year old girl down.

He sat up, taking Minji in his arms as he muffled her cries by pressing her mouth against his chest.

'Yikes' he thought, silently walking through the cabins to not wake anyone up, as he headed to the couple's room.

Just as he arrived, he didn't bother to knock, so he opened the door and stepped in, looking around until his eyes landed on the red bed, where a certain body had blood oozing out of it, a hand full of golden bracelets still stabbing the knife in and out of his back.

He watched the scene with horror, quickly running out of the room and going into his cabin, tucking Minji carefully in his bad as they didn't have a crib. Before dashing to his father's cabin again.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?!" He yelled, running towards the woman who watched him with wide eyes, as he snatched the knife from her hands and pierced it into her neck, watching her eyes roll at the back of her head as her lifeless body fell into the ground.

Now the whole room was covered with blood, the young male's eyes diverting to his father's body as he sunk on his knees, next to the side of the bed.

His eyes filled up with tears, a mix of both anger and sadness filling his veins, as he gripped his father's hand.

"I'm sorry.."

End of flashback

(End of trigger warning)

"T-that's horrible." Taehyung breathed out, pulling away from Jeongguk's chest and looking at his eyes, who seemed so lost right now.

He cupped his cheeks with both of his hands, also playing with the loose hair strands who kept falling on his eyes.

"B-but what does Minji has to do with all of this?"

"That's why I'm a bad brother, I blamed her for something she had no idea about.." Jeongguk mumbled.

"Well, yes, that was wrong, but promise me you'll fix your sibling relationship with her, okay?" Taehyung said, now having an eye contact with the pirate, who let out a small smile as he held one of Taehyung's hands and kissed his knuckles, letting his lips linger there for a while.

"I promise, anything for you."

"That's for Minji too!" Taehyung pouted, earning a chuckle from the older, who looked to hot right now somehow.

"Okay fine."

1020+ words

And yeaah here's jk's back story!!

Remember that I said chapters are supposed to be 500+ words but yet most of the chapters are above 1k

So don't you dare say anything when I'm giving you a double update with shorter than usual chapters who are above 500 AS WELL🗿


Also ty for 4K+ reads *^*


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