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Hey sweets :3

I'm trying to update as much as I can plz don't leave me🥺

Anyways I hope you enjoy <3

Kinda a filler <3


Song recommendation > I Can't stop Me- Twice.

Song recommendation > I Can't stop Me- Twice

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No One's Pov.

"So what happened yesterday night?" Namjoon asked, his eyes looking at the long haired male who was doing weird stuff with his sharp sword.

Jeongguk halted in his moves and looked at the younger with an amused smile. "What happened yesterday night?"

"Well you were in the prince's chamber."

"Oh? Well it was nice." Jeongguk said, chuckling after his words at Namjoon's disappointed expression.

"I need details." Namjoon pouted.

"Everything's private for now Joon." Jeongguk sighed as he put his sword aside.

"Seriously though, have you fallen in love with him or something?"Namjoon asked, he never really saw Jeongguk wasting his time to meet someone, he's usually busy with studying maps, trainings and focusing on the crew's strength.

It's not like the younger thinks it's a bad thing,nope, Jeongguk seems calmer and that's good for everyone's sake on this ship.

"It's not like that." Jeongguk paused. "But you can say I'm interested."

The other man just nodded and decided to talk about something else.


"Taehyung, stay still." A voice warned.

"But it tickles." Taehyung whined, his body was sensitive to small touches so he can't help but squirm a little.

"You're tiring Miss um-" Jimin looked at the lady, in return getting a small smile from her as she spoke up. "Call me Yeri."

"Okay— my apologies Miss Yeri." Jimin bowed a little, earning a small laugh and a nod from the female.

Jimin sighed "You're tiring Miss Yeri, Taehyung."

"No I'm not." Taehyung pouted, before looking at Yeri. "Am I tiring you noona?" he asked, looking at her with puppy eyes which the woman couldn't help but let out a small 'aw'

"No you're not, your majesty."

Taehyung giggled and gave Jimin a victory look to which the older rolled his eyes.

So you might not know what they're doing at the moment right? Well my dear, the three were in Taehyung's room, Yeri, a servant in the castle whom helps in styling the royals' clothes, is taking the prince's body measurements right now.

Jimin was with them because you know, he actually has to accompany the prince everywhere unless it's Taehyung's wishes to be left alone for some time.

Yeri won't admit but the youngest male kept moving, making her annoyed a bit but everything for the little fluffball.

Few minutes later, Yeri was done as she packed her stuff and left the room after excusing herself with a bow.

"Time to sleep, Taehyung." Jimin spoke, gettin closer to the younger who gave him a bored look.

"You don't decide when I sleep." Taehyung huffed, making Jimin raise an eyebrow.

"I actually can."



"oKaY fine." with that Taehyung went to his uh- huge wardrobe and took out some night wear from inside, he gave Jimin a look which the older understood and turned around, looking at the wall in front of him.

Taehyung trusts Jimin the most, and that's what matters.

"I finished!" Taehyung exclaimed before taking long strides towards the bed and jumping on the mattress, making Jimin chuckle.

"Sweet night, Taetae." Jimin said as he planted a kiss on Taehyung's forehead, the younger mumbling a "night jiminie".

And just after Jimin closed the bedroom door, Taehyung sat up and crossed his arms, he didn't feel like sleeping and he's not a kid to have a bed time, the fuck.

He looked around the room and groaned mentally because there's literally nothing to do except sleeping now.


Taehyung snapped his head at the direction of the sound, gulping before going towards the window and opening it, only to find a silhouette sitting at the edge.

Did Taehyung know who is this? Yes. Was Taehyung surprised? Maybe. Was Taehyung scared? Not really.

He turned away from the window and went to sit on his bed, watching Jeongguk jump in the room.

"Why did you come here again?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jeongguk who was rubbing the side of his head, probably got hit on his way in.


740+ words

Rolling stone??

Anyways, sorry for the boring chapters, I wanna take it slow a bit.

This one wasn't that good since I had a headache and stomachache and couldn't focus,,

Also Eid Mubarak for all the Muslims :)


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