38;; Outside

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might be a lil short cause it's the rest of the previous chapter

Votes and comments will be appreciated 👀

Song recommendation - Set fire to the rain - Adele

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Set fire to the rain - Adele

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No One's Pov.

Right now the Newley wedded couple had many people around them, Taehyung's friends and family , Jeongguk's friends Seokjin and Namjoon also hoseok ,congratulating both of them with wide smiles.

It was all noisy since a lot of people were chatting , others getting the delicious food served by the present maids and butlers, and some others dancing to the classic and romantic music in the background.

Jeongguk was busy chatting with Taehyung's friends , whom wanted fo know more about the pirate. Meanwhile Taehyung was with Minji, having a conversation about Yeontan.

The puppy seemed so annoyed at the girl who kept hugging him and peppering him with kisses, making Taehyung laugh every now and then.

"You seem to like Yeontan." He said, earning a nod from Minji who hugged the dog tighter. "I love tannie!" she giggled, the prince smiling at her fondly.

He remembers when he first met her, she's not the same shy, scared girl anymore, she's now making friends with almost everyone she sees, always smiley and jumping around, just like her childhood was supposed to be.

"Enjoying without me?" A familiar voice was heard, Taehyung turning around , looking at his husband with a pout before crossing his arms. "You were busy talking to other people."

Jeongguk groaned, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist. "I was getting to know them, little prince, better than being strangers, yeah?"

"Fine fine." The younger huffed, leaning his head on Jeongguk's shoulder, melting into his touch.



"Don't you wanna go outside now?"


Taehyung's froze, his mind still thinking about his lover's words, he was too busy with the wedding and Jeongguk, their family and friends and all the love in the air to remember that he's actually going outside for the second time in his life now, since twenty four years.

He quickly pulled away from Jeongguk who almost whined at the loss of his lover's touch, but remained calm since he knows how much this is important for him.

"I can go outside." Taehyung whispered, most likely to himself but Jeongguk heard it, Minji too since she was right beside him, just shorter.

The little girl looked at him with doe eyes. "Are you excited Taetae?" She asked, the male nodding in instant.

"Very, I just need to inform my parents first, give me a second!" With that, he jogged to his parent's direction whom were eating with another family, probably the Min's or some others.

Leaving the siblings alone, and Yeontan.

"Who invited this dog to my wedding?"

"Taetae did! Hush!"

"Aight chill-"


"Mom, dad!"

The people present on the table turned around to look at the source of the voice, only to find Taehyung running towards them with a big yet nervous smile on his face.

"What's the matter,son?" The king asked, amused by his son's excitement.

The prince took a deep breathe, looking at his parents with hopeful eyes before speaking. "C-can I go outside?"

silence fell among the table, not helping Taehyung's nervousness at all, he quickly looked down and waiting for their answer.

The Queen looked at her husband who gave her a nod.

"Why are you asking?"she asked her son.

Taehyung quickly looked up, confusion appearing on his face. "What do you mean?" He asked, receiving a laugh from his father.

"Son, we said once you're married, you're free to go out, no need to ask us anymore, just informing us will do." The old man said, both him and the queen looking at their son fondly as his eyes shined with happiness, a wide smile  appearing on his lips.

He quickly went closer to them and hugged them both, feeling his eyes sting. "Thank you, love you both." He whispered, before pulling away.

"Make sure to take Jeongguk with you." The Queen said, earning a nod from the prince who dashed towards his husband.


Jeongguk almost jumped at the sudden attack of his husband , who hugged him from behind.

"Hey prince, so what did they say?" He asked, turning around and tucking a strand of Taehyung's hair behind his ear.

"They said yes ggukie." Taehyung said, his voice sounded so weak as if he'll break down any moment, and his eyes glistening with tears of joy.

Jeongguk kissed his forehead. "Are you ready?" He asked, Taehyung nodding immediately, taking a drop breathe as he linked their arms together.

They both made their way to the large doors, guarded by four men, two from the inside and of course two from the outside.

Taehyung nodded at one of the two guards. "Open them." He ordered, and in an instant the two men bowed before opening the gates.

Taehyung flinched at the light hitting his eyes, he blinked them several times so they can get used to the light, all while clutching onto his husband's arm tightly.

When he finally opened his eyes fully and stepped outside of the castle doors, his eyes wondered everywhere.

He had been forbidden from seeing beauty.

Blue sky, colorful flowers, the weather a bit windy, the sunshine touching his skin and making everything more beautiful and from afar you can see the commoners' houses.

Speaking of the commoners, a whole crowd was cheering right now in front of the castle, finally seeing their prince's face, a lot congratulating him for the marriage, mostly elders since the young adults and teenagers were just screaming, meanwhile the children watched him walking down the elegant, marble stairs with his husband.

"You look beautiful!"

"Isn't that the pirate?!"

"Congratulations honey!"

"You've grown up into a gorgeous man!"

"You two look handsome!"

"Kiss please!"


1000+ words

They will spend more time outside dw, I just got tired from writing lol.

Plz re-read the last part of chapter 37 I forgot the rings part 💀

Butter #1 for 7 weeks aayyy


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