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Double update uwu

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Song recommendation > Gashina- SUNMI

Song recommendation > Gashina- SUNMI

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No One's Pov.

"Tae? Wake up." Jimin's soft voice was heard as he shook the male softly, earning a whine from the prince.

No Taehyung didn't sleep well last night, he was too busy thinking about the events, he didn't know what is this feeling, but he likes it.

"wAke uP!" Jimin half shouted, making Taehyung sit up immediately as he playfully glared at the servant.

" Can't I have my beauty sleep?" Taehyung whined, before laying down again and covering his whole body with the blankets, making Jimin roll his eyes.

"It's an important day, Tae, plus you have to eat breakfast."

"Fiiine." Taehyung replied, sitting up with a pout, making Jimin laugh.

"You seem better today, are you okay now?" The orange haired male asked, narrowing his eyes at the prince who avoided eye contact but let out his boxy smile anyways.

"Still down a little, but better."

"I'm glad Tae, everyone is so worried- Oh by the way you should hurry up, His majesty wants to talk to you."

"Dad? He's usually busy.." Taehyung trailed off, looking at his fingers.

"No idea, but he said it's important."

In The Great Hall

The doors opened, making everyone glance at their direction, wondering who came in.

Only to see ,unusually, Taehyung, wearing a cream silk shirt with dress pants, accessories here and there to complete the look.

He looked beautiful like every day, but like off finally he attended breakfast.

His parents watched him walking towards the table with smiles on their lips, the Queen almost squealing, well she did.

"I'm happy you decided to join us today!" She stood up and squeezed the small male in a hug. "I missed you, are you okay?"

Taehyung smiled sheepishly. "I'm better mom, but you're making it hard to breathe."

She quickly pulled away and pinched his "sorry I just miss my little prince."

'Little prince.' Taehyung Thought about the nickname as he remembered something.


The pirate got up from the bed and put his shoes on, turning to the prince's side and holding his delicate hand in his, putting a kiss on his knuckles.

"Sweet night, little prince."

[end of flashback]

His cheeks flushed pink, making his mother coo.

"Aww someone's shy~"

"Mom stop, not in front of everyone." The prince whined, feeling more shy as he glanced at the servants present in the room, watching the scene with smiles on their faces.

"Come on let's eat!" The Queen exclaimed as she sat back in her place while Taehyung went to his seat , bowing for his father before sitting.

"Morning son."

"Good morning dad." Taehyung looked down, he doesn't talk to his dad so often, and their previous conversation wasn't the best, he knows his dad tries his best while the son just pushed him away.
He always felt nervous for no reason.

After half an hour or so, since they're not fast eaters, used to protocols, the King cleared his throat, earning the attention of everyone.

"I've sent guards to the pirates."

Huh, repeat again sir?

Taehyung felt his heart stop, he gulped not-so-obviously as he stared at his father with confused eyes.

"Why Dad?" "Why is that , honey?" His and his mother's voice were heard in the same time as they looked at each other and apologized with few giggles.

The King looked around and noticed everyone looking so worried.

"Why do you all look concerned?" He spoke.

"Did they do something?" Taehyung asked, wanting to hear the answer but also not wanting to hear it.

"No, I'm just inviting Captain Jeon to Dinner tonight, the guards will pass the message and accompany him here."


Well that doesn't sound bad.

"Why?" Taehyung asked again, being the curious puppy he is.

"I just think we shall know about each other more since they'll be staying for a while no? It's bonding time, but he can only bring two or three friends with him."The king answered, making Taehyung nod as he mentally sighed in relief .

Maybe he can spend time with Jeongguk without hiding now, well no touches though.

It's not like they touch a lot— but you get what that means.

"C-can i attend the dinner?" Taehyung cursed himself for stuttering, he does it when he's nervous and he totally hates it.

"Of course son, it's meant for us and captain Jeon anyways, I'm sure you'll bond well." The king chuckle.

790+ words

Who's excited for next chapter? I am qwq

After 3 days or smth :)

Again, who do you think knows abt taekook meeting now? Guess it's obvious no?

I'll leave this here bye

Again, who do you think knows abt taekook meeting now? Guess it's obvious no? I'll leave this here bye

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P.S. the third photo omg 😭 so pretty— and he knows it-

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