43;; the reason

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Song recommendation - Daddy Issues (remix) - The neighborhood.

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Daddy Issues (remix) - The neighborhood

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No One's Pov.

"You're gonna become a father."

That was the last thing the doctor said before turning on her heels and walking away from the males, who were staring at each other with wide eyes.

And in a few seconds a huge smile appeared on the King's face , his eyes shining with happiness before he jumped excitedly and entering his lover's chamber as fast as he can.

"Little prince?"

Taehyung looked at his husband with a soft smile, but Jeongguk can tell he was dancing inside his head.

His heart melted when he noticed Taehyung's arms are wrapped around his own tummy, as if he's hugging the unborn child protectively.

he took fast steps towards the bed and sat beside Taehyung, bringing his own hand to caress the younger's stomach.

"Is it true?" Jeongguk whispered in his ear,nuzzling his nose against Taehyung's neck who giggled in response.

"we're gonna be parents Ggukie."Taehyung said, moving his hand and moving it on top of Jeongguk's.

Of course, none of them can feel anything yet, Taehyung's stomach was still flat, the baby is too tiny to make its appearance now. But both can feel that there's something inside, more like someone who will turn their lives into something more, much more beautiful.

Jeongguk pulled his face away from Taehyung's neck and looked at the Queen who had a smile on her face while her eyes were filled with tears.

"you're going to be a grandmother, an amazing one." Jeongguk told her, to which she nodded hesitantly without saying a word.

Jeongguk's eyes softened, looking at the woman who was still trying to know if what he said is gonna be true.. or too late.

"I'm so happy." She sniffled, a tear rolling down her cheek which made Taehyung sit up properly and reach his hand out to wipe the tear.

"Don't cry mom." He whined, giving her his puppy eyes and pinkish pout, which she couldn't help but pinch his cheek, he was just too adorable.

"I'm just so happy for you son, who knows how you would be now without Jeongguk."

Jeongguk felt his cheeks heat up. "I did nothing mom, it's just so hard not to fall for this beauty." He said, making Taehyung smack his chest playfully.

What was said is true though, without Jeongguk, Taehyung would still be the hopeless, moody, aggressive guy who was barely spending time with other people, just inside his chamber all day long.

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