35;; Bad & Good

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Plz read the note at the end of the chapter

Important chapter!

Song recommendation - Counting stars- OneReplublic

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Counting stars- OneReplublic

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No One's Pov.

Knock knock

Jeongguk's eyes opened slowly, his sleep disturbed by the annoying knocks on the door, who dares—


Soft mattress.

Warm feeling.

The pirate sat up slowly and looked at his surroundings, fancy furniture, big bed, a sleeping beauty next to him.

Oh, now he remembers.

'We spent the night together' he smiled at the thought as his eyes roamed all over the prince's figure, he looks like an angel, his angel since he's covered with the marks HE made.

Knock knock.

Oh shit.

The older male forgot about what woke him up because he's too busy being whipped, okay time to take action, but who's at the door?

"Kim taehyung wake up or I'll bring Yoongi."

Okay there was no need to guess now, it was the infamous annoying Jimin who still gives him disgusted looks until now as if he's playing savage with him.

Jeongguk could feel the pain Taehyung goes through everyday.

(a/n : notice the sarcasm)

He took the blankets off him but made sure to keep them covering Taehyung and sat up, not bothering to button up his shirt as he walked towards the door's direction and opened it, to be met by a bored -looking Jimin.

"Why so loud in the morning?" He asked, stretching his arms as he yawned loudly in front of Jimin's face, and accidentally hitting him in the nose.

"WhY sO LoUd iN thE mOrNinG?" Jimin mocked, crossing his arms as he pushed the pirate out of the doorway and stepped into the chamber, ignoring the scolding from the older.

He went to Taehyung's side of the bed and shook him softly. "Taetae wake up."




"You don't have to be so loud." A groan was heard from Taehyung's side, both males looking at him as he became a human burrito with the blankets rolled around his small figure.

"Well if you woke up immediately I wouldn't have to be so loud." Jimin complained, trying to roll Taehyung out of the blankets.

"Five more hours."

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