17;; Precious

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Hey sweets *^*
I will update almost every day, but I'm not really a man of my words so.. bear with me 💀

I had to re-write this thrice :/

Just a long fluffy-upset chapter before the prologue

Vote and comment *^*


Song recommendation- Your eyes Tell - BTS

(Yeah again)

(Yeah again)

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No One's Pov.

"Gguk!" Taehyung exclaimed with a smile, opening the window for the pirate to come in.

Just as Jeongguk entered, he pulled the other male in a warm hug."Hey little prince." He whispered.

Taehyung's cheeks flushed pink as he hid his face in the crook of the older's neck, hugging him back tightly.

"I miss you, Gguk." He mumbled, pulling away from the hug and looking at the male with puppy eyes. Yes, Jeongguk visits him every night , but he still misses him .

The pirate makes him feel weird, Taehyung thought it's just because he didn't interact with a pirate before? Or maybe because he didn't have a new friend from a while?

However, what he's sure of, is that the male's presence brings him comfort, makes him feel less lonely and more safe.

Yes, safe with a pirate, strange or not, he doesn't care.

He's slowly starting to trust Jeongguk, and he's not complaining, what a nice feeling.

On the other hand the Jeon Jeongguk is officially whipped for the young prince, he knows he's becoming more than "interested" towards Taehyung.

But no, he doesn't wanna confess now, he's sure the prince doesn't like him yet.

But he's scared, Taehyung is a single twenty-four years old man, in a second he can get interested in someone who's not him? I mean, that's a possibility?

However, he's not gonna accept that, and that's why he has to deal with the parents first, then we'll see with the son.

'I can't let someone else have him' Jeongguk thought as he stared into Taehyung's beautiful brown eyes, unconsciously smiling, making Taehyung smile as well.

"How was your day?" Taehyung asked, breaking eyes contact and sitting on his bed, Jeongguk observing his every move.

'too pretty and delicate.'

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