48;; Timid

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Song recommendation - Dusk till Dawn - Sia,Zayn

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Dusk till Dawn - Sia,Zayn

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No One's Pov.

[ 2 months later]

After the depressing event that took place two months ago, the kingdom wasn't as bright as it was before.

When the commoners knew what happened, almost everyone stopped going out and most of the shops were closed, the Queen had a special place in their hearts and no one could ever replace her, her kindness was just too unforgettable.

But fortunately as the weeks passed by, the two kings tried their best with cheering up everyone, even themselves. They usually walked around and tried to interact with their people as much as possible, from kids to teens to adults.

Day by day people started moving on but never forgot about Soyoung, a lot would visit her grave daily and bring lots of gifts.

Taehyung was satisfied that things started to go back to normal even though he missed his mom a lot, it's been like two months without her and he can't stop thinking about her, no one can blame her for that.

On the other hand Jeongguk didn't take it as hard, yes the Queen was like his mother, he loved her so much, he cried a lot but he promised to be happy , and to make her son happy, and raise his child.

Right now he and Taehyung were laying on the bed with Yeontan next to them, his hand caressing Taehyung's belly, trying to their baby's kicks.

A smile made its way to his lips when he felt few kicks, looks like the unborn one will be energetic.

"Hyper, just like its father." Taehyung chuckled , pinching Jeongguk's cheek who whined in response.

"What I'm sure of is that it's beautiful like you~" Jeongguk said, pecking Taehyung's cheek which made a pink cloud to appear on the younger's bread cheeks.

"Stop it~"

"What? I just said the truth."

"You're such a flirt."

"I think we already knew that from a long time."

"Whatever." Taehyung mumbled, petting Yeontan who was in deep sleep.



"Can i introduce you to my crew?" Jeongguk carefully asked, feeling Taehyung tense in response.

"It's your choice of course, it's just that they came to visit and I miss them, and wanted to introduce them to my new life." He explained, holding Taehyung's hand and messaging his fingers.

"I don't mind Gguk, but I don't think they like me that much." Taehyung said, already overthinking, what if they judge him because he's a male who can get pregnant ? Or already hate him because he "stole" their captain from them?

"Don't say that, I promise it's gonna be alright."


"Are you sure it's gonna be alright ?" Taehyung whispered in Jeongguk's ear, who stared at the scene in front of him with a nervous smile on his face.

"I guess?"

Both of them right now were standing on the ship, but it seemed like the rest of the pirates didn't acknowledge their presence yet so what you can see right now is some people throwing uh, fish at each other or something like that, while few other were almost cutting each other's throats with their swords fight or whatever they were doing, and some are yelling at each other for no reason, probably the lack of work.

"When they said they need me, I didn't expect it to reach this level." Jeongguk mumbled before clearing his throat loudly, trying to gain the attention of the crew.

In which he failed at.

'Very well then, let's use the old ways.'

"SEOKJIN!" He shouted, making Taehyung flinch along with most of the crew, while the other stopped whatever they're doing and looked at their former captain with silence and surprise.

"What- Oh hey Captain!" The Seokjin guy finally appeared , Taehyung recognized him as the one his mother was talking to in their first dinner together.

"Oh hey captain" Jeongguk mocked. "Why is it a mess here?" He asked, pointing at the crew who hung their heads low, embarrassed.

"Oh, hang on- NAMJOON, HOSEOK, quit fucking and get in here!" Taehyung covered his ears with his hands from the loud shouting and inappropriate language, he felt Jeongguk's hand caressing his shoulder which made him feel calm.

Soon enough a familiar guy with an unfamiliar guy showed up, looking like they just woke up from a while.

"Why in the early morning? And by the way we weren't fucking that was yesterd-" Hoseok's mouth was shut by Namjoon's hand who smiled sheepishly at Jeongguk and Taehyung.

And that's when Hoseok knew, he fucked up.

Jeongguk groaned. "I'll deal with you two later, for now I'm here to introduce my husband, also the reason of my happiness, Taehyung." He said, showing a proud smile and looking at Taehyung who waved timidly, the crew waving back and some of them trying to say proper greetings.

"No need to be shy sweetheart." Jeongguk whispered .

"But they're all staring at me" Taehyung whispered back, looking at the crew awkwardly.

"Maybe they're not used to seeing a beauty up close."

"You're not gonna stop will you?"


899 words

1 chapter and the epilogue left!

Sorry if chapter 47 was kinda disappointing sksbskwnwn, I just had nothing to put there so yeah -

You expect the child to be a



Tell me your thoughts <3


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