Yato x reader

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Fandom/anime: Noragami

Requester: @cr1es_1n_le3sbien

Context/warnings: no warnings, the context is in the AU

AU: I've changed this so many times it's not even funny. So I'm keeping it as Yato is still a god,  your a god as well, but Yato can afford a home for you and himself. And Yukine lives with Kofuko. Also, note I just started season two so if Yato changes I wouldn't know.


" gods can get pregnant?"

" Why are you in my school Bathroom!?"

You gasped when Hiyori slammed open your stall, having you flinch.

" AHHH- I'M SORRY!" You cried out, covering your faces with your arms. " I didn't know this was your school!!" You cried out once more while closing your eyes tightly. What concerned you was, you didn't hear a response from her, having you open your eyes.

She was staring at your hand, the hand where you hold the positive pregnancy test. Quickly, you shoved it in your pocket, standing up as Hiyori snapped out of her thoughts.

" Are you pregnant Y/n?" She asks as you kept your gaze towards the ground, having a small blush form.

" Yes- GODS CAN GET PREGNANT!!" You looked at her confused look, having you nod in agreement.

" I DIDNT KNOW EITHER!!" You shouted back, your face growing heated." If anything- don't tell Yato!" You whined, that's when she grew double shock.

" You and Yato are a thing!?" You nodded, " since when!?" You paused, thinking for a solid minute or two.

" Ummm- errr ummmm..... I think over 20 years or less?- maybe even 5?"- " and you still haven't told me!?" She interrupted you having you become nervous.

" I'm sorry!!!!" You cried out, " I thought you knew!" She sighs. " well, I didn't" she then looks back at you.

" You need to go tell Yato right now, and I need to go to class" you sighed, " fine... have fun in school~" you smirked, pointing behind her. She raised a brow, turning around to see her body lying limply on the ground, sound asleep.

" Huh!? When did that happing!" She gasps, turning back to you to see that you had disappeared.


" I'm home!!!"

Yato exclaimed as he barges into your guy's home. But all he heard was the tv on, and a random show playing.

He took off his shoes and walked closer to see that you laid on the couch, passed out, holding a tub of ice cream as a bunch of blankets were on you and surrounded you, keeping you nice and warm.

" Uhhhh-"He takes a closer look before spotting something on the counters that laid in front of the tv.

He took a closer look, to see that it was a pregnancy test- specifically a positive one.

He gasps in excitement, quickly turning towards you and tackling you in a hug.

" We're going to be parents!" He exclaims, having you wake up, which caused you to scream.

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