Koby x reader

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Requester: @Mad-i-Moody


You basically try to hide the pregnancy from him cause you were scared of him leaving you. ( I don't think this is what you wanted, I'm sorry)

Warning: I do not know shît about him cause the last time I saw him he was a
pu$$y 👊😔. So he is ( might be) extremely off character. ( when did he get so hot!?)


" Two lines?! Again!?" You whispered shouted to yourself, gripping your hair as you glanced down at the positive pregnancy test.

You were afraid that Koby would leave you, even though he didn't seem the type, you knew that he would leave you if you told him you were pregnant ( you don't know shit).

You shakily walked into your bedroom and started packing your things, as you already bought a ticket to ( where ever you want to go).

You decide it would be best to leave him a note saying that you were leaving. You were upset that you were leaving, but you thought it would be the best thing to leave him since he would end up leaving you.


When he got home, it was late at night. So he didn't expect any dinner left out or you to be awake. So he didn't question when he saw all the lights were off and there was no food set out.

But when he walked into your guy's shared bedroom to not see you there, he slightly freaked out.

" Did I do something wrong?" He asks himself out loud as he looks around tell he reaches the bathroom. He quickly spotted the positive pregnancy test that was in the trash can ( you forgot to hide it).

His eyes slightly widen in shock, running out of the bathroom to expect you sitting there on the bed with a smile saying you were pregnant. But instead, he got a empty bed and a letter.

Dear Koby...

I'm leaving, don't bother on trying to find me, I'm long gone when you find this.

Love, Y/n...

He felt his grasp tighten on the paper, his heart aching as he looked at the positive pregnancy test that he grabbed out from the trash can.

" I-Is she pregnant?... Bu-but sh-shes leaving..." he stutters out in confusion and sadness. He didn't want the love of his life leaving him, especially if they were having his child. He didn't want you with any other man.


Your pregnancy bump was getting extremely huge, so it was getting harder and harder to hide. But it's been quite successfully to hide from Koby, it's been at least five months and you haven't heard from him nor seen him. That's what you wanted.

You sighed as you opened your apartment door, taking off your shoes as you closed the door behind you. Walking into the living room to sit down, you closed your eyes then proceeded to open them. Quickly your eyes widen to see Koby standing in front of you with a sad expression on his face.

" Y/n..." he mutters out, his voice slightly breaking as you felt guilt hit you. How could you leave him? You knew that he probably was never going to leave you, but you were so stupid.

" I-I-...." you couldn't speak, feeling guilty as tears built up in your eyes as you look down at your lap guilty, you were suddenly pulled into a hug.

" Thank goodness your okay" your eyes slightly widen, when he was trying to find you he didn't care about why you left, but if you were okay. You felt your lips quivering as you tightly hug him as you cried into his shoulder as he hugged you back.

" I never wanted to leave you! But I thought you would leave me!" You cried out, as he rubs small circles in your back to calm you down. Some tears left his eyes as he leaned his head into your shoulder.

" I-I'm sorry you thought that way....don't leave me again... o-okay?" He muttered out as you nodded your head quickly. That night, you two did a lot of cuddling and talking things out.


" So... is it a girl or a boy?" Koby asks as you lay in his arms, you came back to your old home ( his house), you decided to stay since you realized he wasn't going to leave you.

" A girl..." he grins, looking down at your stomach before placing his hands on your stomach and leaning down towards your stomach. You were giggling as he started talking to the baby that was growing in your womb ( Idk why, but I hate that word).

" Hey, little dude- oh... I mean girl? How's it going?" As a response, he got a few kicks back causing his jaw to fall in shock. Quickly he shakes it away, smiling as tears form at his eyes.

" S-She kicked" he stuttered as you nodded.

" Yeah... she's been doing that a lot..." you muttered out as he looks up at you as you look away. You still felt guilty for leaving him.

Before you can say anything else, he captures your lips, having you gasp slightly before melting into the kiss.

" Awww! You have your mother's eyes but have my hair! So cute!" Moby exclaimed as he pinched the small baby's cheeks causing her to giggle and laugh.

You smiled, looking up from your book to see your one year old daughter playing with her dad, Koby. Koby always likes complimenting her eyes and her hair right when she opened her eyes and started growing hair. You thought it was cute.

" dada!dada!" She shouted out, as you and Koby smile at her cuteness. You and Koby were extra excited since you found out you were pregnant again. You hopped it was a boy and not a girl this time.


Word count: 1012

Posted: 9/2/20


Sorry this is short, I have school tomorrow so I kinda need to go to bed early so I can wake up early in the morning 😂

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