JD x reader

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Fandom: Heathers

Requester: @Fandom-lord


When you found at you were pregnant, you tired to tell your boyfriend, but he didn't listen to you since he had to move, leaving you alone. When he came back, he didn't believe his eyes.

Warning: teen pregnancy and also change of point of view ( like a lot).


" Jd! Wait-I have something important to tell you!"

She yelled out, trying to chase after him but her body was sore. All he did was get in the car, feeling the emptiness that he had before he met her. He wanted to cry, but the old man would tease him. He looked in the mirror, watching her throwing something on the ground, he raises a brow, turning and looking as she sobbed, her friend, Veronica, comforting her as his old man drove away. He sighs shakily, trying to forget about her, but just couldn't.

" -Aww! This baby room is looking cute!"
I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to look at my friend, Veronica, she was standing there with a soft smile, having me smile back.

" Yeah, my dad helped me paint the walls" I sighed as I rubbed my bump, looking out the window. I could tell that she was looking at the bump, but she didn't want to talk to me about it. She knows that I can get a little sensitive about it.

" So, wanna have a movie night?" I quickly snap out of my thoughts once again and looked at her, I softly smile before nodding my head.

" Sure..." I mutter out before slowly standing, flattening out my f/c dress. She smiles.

" My place?" I nod my head.

" Yeah"

- Kay, a few months later-
( change of view to JD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

" Well lookit here! We are back!" My old man exclaimed as we entered our new home, or should I say old. I lived here a couple of months ago, maybe nine months ago? I couldn't really remember, I and my old man always move.

He turns and looks at me.

" Why won't ya talk to your old girl?" He asks, I frowned.

" She's not an old girl, she's my Y/n," I spoke, having him chuckle.

" That's her name? Well, go talk to her." He spoke with a chuckle before walking off somewhere.

' Maybe I should apologize... explain to her what happened. Maybe talk to Veronica first?'


" Hey... Veronica..." the familiar girl looked up at me, she looked a little shocked, but quickly became angry.

" Oh look at you, coming back." She replied. I sighed.

" Look, I shouldn't have left but- you shouldn't be telling me this, tell Y/n" she interrupts, having me fall silent.

" I don't know where she is, that's the problem" she sighs.

" get in the car then, I'm going to her anyways..." she mutters out as she opens the car door and sits in the drivers seat, having me also get into the passengers seat.


( Y/n's view/ readers view)

I laid on the uncomfortable medical bed, looking at the white ceiling. It was my first day of being a mom since I gave birth yesterday. No one was there when I was in labor since my parents were out of town, and Veronica wasn't allowed in the room. So indeed I was very alone. I wish he was still here, but he doesn't care for me, not one bit-

" Y/n!" I turned to see the familiar face that I have learned not to like, but I couldn't stop myself muttering his name due to shock.

" J-Jason?" I was tackled into a hug, feeling tears brimming my e/c eyes. His grasp on me was very tight, but I didn't want to melt into his hug- not yet at least.

" y-you have to go..." I muttered out as tears streamed down my face.

" Look- What I did was very messed up! But I couldn't bring myself to tell you I was leaving! I-I just couldn't do it." He whispers in my ear, having shivers go down my spine. This was a very lovely moment, but that was quickly stopped when light baby noises were heard. This caused Jason, or JD,  to stop for a moment.

He backed away from the hug, looking at me with confusion.

" Y-Your...." he lost his words, wiping away my tears from my eyes and looking at me with a sad smile.

" I'm a...." he kept losing his words, he just hugged me, proceeding to say " I love you" over and over again.

" I-I tried to tell you...." I sobbed.

" Please... d-don't leave me again..." I silently cry in his chest as I tiredly wrap my arms around him, his grasp tightens around me.

" I won't leave you again, I promise." he mutters out, hugging me more closely.


( 3rd point of view)

" I-.... hi?" Y/n was asleep on the medical bed, as for JD, he was holding his and her baby in his arms, it was a baby girl named Mable. He was still shocked that he was a father now, Veronica already saw Mable, but had to leave to go home. As for him, he didn't care about his old man, he only cared about his new family that he's going to have with Y/n.

Mable replied with a few noises, her eyes haven't opened yet, nor was there hair on her head. Well sorta, she had light black hair but you couldn't really see it.

He softly smiles.

" JD... bring me Mable..." he snaps out of his thoughts and looked up at Y/n, she laid on the bed still tired.

" You need rest though..." he mutters out looking back down at Mable.

" Yeah, but Mable needs food.." she yawns out, having him quickly realized what she met. He slowly stood up and walked over to Y/n, handing her Mable. He proceeded to turn around as she feeds Mable, wanting to give her privacy. Y/n thought that was funny and giggled.

" You do realize you can look right? I'm covered." He turns around to see a blanket over her chest, you can only really see Mables head. He smiles to himself.

' I finally have a family now....'


Word count:

Posted: 6/15/20


Note: I'm so sorry that this took forever! I didn't mean to take this long! It was just that while I was writing I would get so tired and will have to sleep (4 am) sorry it's taken so long!

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