Chapter 15

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"Flipendo!" He yelled. The person that had earlier casted a spell at them was now closer to them on their right. The other one had advanced on their left but flew backwards because of the knockback jinx. "Sis, I know you're tired but I could really, really use some help here! Protego!" he yelled again. The person on his right had shot a red light towards them but it was deflected by Daniel's shield charm. Every time the older teenager began to become frustrated with his little sister he would call her sis.

Again Lynx snapped out of her daze. She saw one of the squid-ink people trying to sneak up on their left. 'Didn't they just try to do that?' Lynx thought to herself. Her head was still resting on her brother's shoulder so the person probably thought she was asleep. Lynx wanted to hex the person but she was to tired to do a spell and be sure it would hit them. She was still wearing her brother's hoodie from earlier and her wand was still in the hidden pocket of her boot. Lynx should really find another hiding spot, she loved walking barefoot. She moved her finger a little bit while whispering "Accio wand."

Daniel Moore heard his sister whispering and an evil smirk grew on his face. He knew she was tired and probably had a concussion but she could still kick one of the people's ass. The brown-eyed boy started to walk slowly towards the bags full of the stuff Lynx was going to need.

"Depulso!" he yelled at the person that was standing closest to the bags. Once the white light hit the person they were pushed back, almost into the kitchen.

"Alarte Ascendare!" Lynx shouted the spell as loudly as she could but it was barely a whisper from how tired she was. A red light jolted out of her wand and hit her opponent which made them fly against the ceiling with a very loud bang and then fell onto the floor again, knocked unconcious. "Yes." The girl whispered to herself before falling back asleep on her brother's shoulder.

"Daniel! Just go!" He heard his grandfather yell at him. The youngest Moore dashed forward towards the bags but saw something shining in the moonlight. He looked up and saw that the person he had earlier hit had a knife in his hand. Daniel looked at his grandfather for what he thought could possibly the last time and jumped onto the bags with his sister, for Merlin knows how, sleeping on his back. The black clothed person skurried towards them with the knife but by the time he was close enough to stab them, Danny had already apparated out of the house. 

They landed on the grass next to the house. Danny looked if his sister was okay and she still was. How could she do that? But on the other hand she was very tired. He looked towards the window and saw several lights being blasted and numerous spells being shouted. But it wasn't until he heard one particular spell that his blood ran completely cold.

"Avada kedavra!" was shouted from the house in the fields. A green light followed the spell but after that, nothing. Everything was silent. No new lights, no other spells. Just silence.

Daniel Moore couldn't even hear the owls hooting or the crickets that usually chirped throughout the night. Everything was silent. A strange, cynical type of calm was present. 

The only thing snapping the boy out of his tearful daze were the slow breathes of his 9 year-old sister.

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