Chapter 25

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Lynx walked back in the tent with all the stuff flying behind her.

The creature was hanging onto Lynx' trunk vertically trying to get down. The neck turned around at the smell of meat. It jumped down and pattered towards Lynx.

Next to the tent was a large cabinet with a lot of drawer and  where Lynx kept everything she had acquired during her hunts.

Once Lynx opened the doors of the cabinet every that she had flying behind her flew in their respective place.

The creature pouted at seeing the meat flew into a colourful patterned pot. Luckily their stomach was happy once again when it saw Lynx open the pot again to take a large chunk of meat out.

Lynx knew that the creature behind her couldn't hunt and get food for themselves so it was going to eat with her. She didn't really mind because it couldn't talk so there wasn't going to be any awkward small talk.

The girl closed the cabinet and went towards her "kitchen". It was 2 logs in front of a circle made out of rockes with a metal bar above it to hang things above the fire.

The small place was just a couple of steps away. Lynx lived in a tent, it wasn't like their was a lot of place. Of course it was already expended wth magic, but Lynx liked it this way. Also the lesser the space, the lesser the amount of times she would lose stuff.

During the time that the meat was roasting above the little fire Lynx had created, the creature was practically drooling while looking at it.

Lynx looked towards the small winged lizard and saw a wet stain on the carpet. The whole  floor of the tent was filled up with different kinds of carpet, many just laying on another one. Not a single place had cold dirty tent floor. If there was one thing Lynx hated, it was cold feet. And also, she liked the feeling of carpet on her bare feet. One of the litte luxury things she had in the forest.

So when the Moore girl saw magical creature drool onto one of her carpets. You could imagine that she wasn't happy.

She huffed. Lynx picked up the creature, making sure she didn't hurt it in any kind of way, and sat it in her lap. 

The creature never had any good experience with being picked up before so it started clawing at anything and shooting very hot sparks out of their tail.

Lynx dropped it onto her lap and winced from the cut in her hand and burn on her for arm. It was her fault, she shouldn't have picked up a wild creature very suddenly. But that thought didn't really ease the pain in her arm.

The creature was calm very quickly after Lynx had let go of them. It heard the wince of the human and turned around to look what had happened. It saw the cut and the burn. It wasn'treally hard for the creature to know they had done that.

Before Lynx could grab her wand, she felt a nudge on her arm. The creature tried to get her attention. It's head was close to the burn but not close enough to make it hurt.

"What?" Lynx asked a litte rudely. She definitely had worse wounds but burns, it still hurts like a nettle thought it would be a good idea to be a replacement for her nerve system. Spoiler alert, it wasn't! Still, Lynx couldn't blame the creature. It was instinct for them. Or at least she thought so. She still hadn't made the time to see what creature it was.

Tears from the burning pain in her arm had started to develop so when the creature was just staring, making no movement, Lynx tried to grab her wand again to heal the wounds. Swiftly the creature slapped her arm with its tail. With no sparks this time but it was still unexpected.

"What in the giant squid little suction cup was that for? If you haven't noticed, I am kind of in pain because of you so if you would just let me heal i-"

Lynx was cut off by the creature starting to lick the burn on her forearm. Strangely its tongue was cool. The girl had expected it to be hot since it was a fire creature.

But what surprised her even more was that her wound started to heal. After about a minute the skin didn't hurt any more. It looked a bit fragile but it was way better than the decent sized burn mark she would have for the rest of her life.

Lynx gaped at the creature with wide eyes.

"Did you just heal my skin? By licking it?!" Lynx did not kniw what to think. She had never heard of a creature being capable of healing others by licking. Of course she knew about the healing power of a phoenix' tear. But that was general knowledge, right?

But it was pretty obvious that the creature in her lap was not a feathery bird.

Before her thinking could continue, the girl's stomach let out a loud growl that the creature jumped from. It fell back on the floor. Luckily without hurting anything.

"I think it's time to eat." Lynx announced. The meat looked about ready. She was about to pick up the creature but remembered the mistake from mere minutes ago so her hand stopped midway.

The creature lookeed scared a the hand that was coming their way.

"Can I pick you up?" Lynx asked. "Just so you could be sitting on the log to eat." Lynx did not have chairs. A lot of her stuff was made by herself from things she found in the forests. Of course it was with magic but all the wood and the carpets in the tent made it look pretty homey.

The creature cocked it's head to the side. When Lynx was going to retract her hand the creature nodded cautiously.

Lynx did see that their tail was glowing lightly, meaning that hot could be easily fired if it was in danger. She understood that completely, smart ecen. Gently Lynx picked up the magical animal and sat it next to her. Another plate flew out of the cupboard in front of the creature.

It looked weirdly towards Lynx.

"What? You're not going to eat from my plate and certainly not if the ground." She stated while she charmed the meat to slice in the air and gave the creature a decent amount.

While it was looking wearily at it Lynx had stood up and took some bread from a closeby chest. She looked at the creature.

"It's safe to eat." Lynx took a piece of her own and ate it to show it was fine. "Come on. If you eat well your wing will heal quicker."

It didn't take long for the creature to completely devour the meat. It looked like it hadn't eaten it in a long while.

It fell asleep on the log and when Lynx was done with eating she picked up the creature, very carefull not to hurt it or wake it up. She placed it onto her pillow while she went towards a large book closet that was next to her bed.

She opened it with the key that was actually just hanging on the side of the closet and opened the door. Parts of it had green glass so you could see through it but it was enchanted. It looked like a normal book closet but it was a whole library. All of the books of her grandfather, books Danny had gifted her and even books she had bought herself were in there. Lynx loved it.

She dove into all of the books to see what magical creature was sleeping onto her bed right now.

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