Chapter 31

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Lot of feels in this chapter. I don't know whether the ending is good or not. Sorry if it's not but thanks for reading my story. Can't believe we're at 17K already. Thank you all so much!!!

Don't hesitate to comment. Whether it's good or bad. Wanna hear it all!

Thanks for reading and I hope you like it!


Tears began to sting in Danny's eyes but he refused to let them fall. He hadn't cried once since his grandfather died. He distracted himself all the time, either with schoolwork, quidditch, hanging with friends, talking to his great-aunt and uncle or worrying about his sister.

He always packed his schedule and made sure his mind was busy with something at all times but now it came crashing down. He opened the door of emotion slightly but it slammed in his face and all came crashing on him.

His whole body was shaking. He couldn't take it anymore. It was too much. All of it.

His legs failed beneath him and the dark-haired teenager fell and started to full-on sob. He was 17, he was in school. He shouldn't have to keep himself strong all the time. Daniel Moore shouldn't have all of this weight on his shoulders.

He was hiding his face with his hands but to Lynx, it was more than obvious what was happening.

She sped to her brother and knelt beside him. She hugged him closely and as soon as Danny felt his sister beside him, he latched onto her. as she was the only thing keeping him alive, which it was. The thought of his sister being safe and happy was the main thing that kept him going, that was the reason he got out of bed and get dressed every day.

But even that, his little 10-year-old sister, he couldn't keep safe. He felt like a failure. Ever since the small kitten appeared in the box of old paper, Edmund Moore had prepared and trained him to watch over her but he couldn't. He wasn't able to.

He just let the tears pour out of his tightly shut eyes. His face was pushed into the small shoulder of his sister. The boy couldn't stop crying even if he wanted to. He just held on tighter on the dark-haired girl.

Lynx rubbed her brother's back and tried to push back the tears that were stinging her own brown eyes. She sniffled a bit but once she heard her big brother sob once more, her own gate of waterworks opened. She copied Danny and hid her face in his shoulder while closely holding onto him.

From his seat on the pillowcase, Grummie watched the two siblings hold each other for the only support they have as they were the only people who knew exactly what the other was going through. he tilted his head a bit to the side out of confusion since he didn't have that much grasp onto the concept of human emotion but he did realise that what they were now experiencing wasn't all the positive.

The small firedrake crawled over the patterned rugs towards the siblings. He couldn't fly up so he used Lynx's sweater as a way to climb onto her shoulder. He laid his small head against her neck and gave her little licks to let the girl know he was there. Grummie even placed his uninjured wing on Danny's shoulder.

They sat there, crying. None knew for how long. It could've been minutes; it could have been hours. They cried and used each other's embrace as a way to comfort themselves.

As the last few sniffles left and the tears were just mere wet lines across their cheeks, the siblings untangled themselves from each other. They didn't stand up.

Grummie sat on Lynx' shoulder as she looked at her older brother.

Brown eyes matched the same as they crossed gazes. But Danny looked down immediately, embarrassed because of his little sister seeing him so weak. Her older brother. The one that is supposed to be the stronger one and be there for her. Instead, he sat with tear-stains all over his cheeks in front of her on some mismatching rugs in a tent.

His head went back up when he heard a laugh. Lynx was laughing. There was absolutely nothing that lead to it but still there she was. Laughing and giggling like a hyena on helium. She clammed onto her stomach and the little firedrake almost fell off her shoulder.

It didn't take long for the older boy's body to shake and chuckle along. The chuckling quickly formed into boisterous laughter that could be heard by the deer that was close to the protective border.

"You have no idea what we're laughing about right?" The Moore teenager

"None!" The girl giggled, already fallen on her back.

The siblings were laying on their back, looking at the coloured ceiling of what the 10-year-old called a home. They sighed.

All the previous emotion had left their system. The cruel misery and the careless joy right after. It was an unruly ride of emotion. Not even the witch and wizard experiencing it knew what to make of it.

Grummie watched, his head going back and forth between the two children. For him it was confusing. Weren't they just crying?

The drake rolled his eyes and crawled back to his own pillow.

Danny watched as the magical creature snaked back to his little area. There was so much attitude in his step. A matter he didn't even know was possible for something that was considered a beast. He was picking up quickly from Lynx.

The teenager sat up straight and stood up. As he walked out, he asked. The Moore siblings were never really good at goodbyes and liked to make it as quick and simple as possible.

"I'll see you later?". He didn't particularly wait for an answer as he kept walking, wand already out to apparate as soon as he crossed the protective borders.

"You know how to find me." Lynx yelled out, just in time before her brother went back to the Hogwarts castle. The place where he belonged as she laid down in her tent. Her only companion being the small creature that was already fast asleep on her pillow.

The girl wondered whether he was going to stay when his wing was healed. She didn't really think so. He was a creature, and creatures were made to live in complete liberty and freedom.

Ever since she had stepped into the forest with a backpack and the knowledge of that being her life from there on, she had felt like a creature. Even before that.

As her brother was in a castle made out of bricks and stone and was calling it his home. Hers was a forest out of wood and animals. And she was part of it. In complete liberty and freedom.

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