Chapter 18

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The next morning, while Hamish was coming down the stairs to make his wife a cup of tea, he could already hear the obnoxious loud snoring from her grand-nephew. The elderly man rolled his eyes, remembering how even when Daniel was a baby could rival a 200 pound swine with a very heavy cold. 

Once down he was down he looked over at the couch, not only seeing Daniel but also a certain feline. He took his wand and cautiously stepped towards it. The younger Moore had his arms completely around the animal, like he was huggning it. Hamish didn't know how the animal could have gotten inside. His wand was still pointed to what he now saw was a young lynx. 

He was about to call for his wife. Maybe she knew what to do but before he could do so, Daniel was waking up.

The 17-year old woke up to seeing someone holding a wand in front of him. Or more to say towords Lynx who was sleeping in front of him. His first instinct was to roll over with Lynx still in his arms. That way she was facing the back of the couch while he was in front of her. The boy took his wand and held it to whoever was in front him. 

"Expeliarmus." he said. The wand flew in the air and fell right in his hand. His wand was stil raised towards the person in front of him whil Danny looked at the wand he had just caught. It looked familiar. Only then the daze coming from his eyes. Everthing that had just happened was on pure instinct, he didn't have control over what he did. Which didn't mean he had any regrets, he was protecting his sister.

The boy looked up and saw his great-uncle standing in front of him holding his hands up. 

"Uncle Hamish?" Danny asked. He lowered his wand and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. It was way to early in his opinion. Even though he didn't know the time, he'd rather sleep. He had that feeling basically everytime he woke up. 

Isla had heard the noise from downstairs and came down as fast as she could. She saw Danny lowering his wand from her husband and saw the boy yawn. She met the eye of her husband who motioned her to be silent. 

"There is a wild animal in house." He whispered quietly while pointing to the small feline behind their grand-nephew. Isla's eyes widened from seeing an unfamiliar, possible wild animal, sleeping on her couch. 

'Danny is going to clean up those cat hairs.' was the first thing she thought. Isla was a nice woman but when it came to cleaning, you did not want to come in her way.

A loud yawn Danny mouth, which he covered with the back on his hand while streching. He lazily took a look behind him.Now he knew that there was no danger the alertness their was earlier had dissapeared and in hte place came the same louzy teenager he was. 

"Oh yeah, that's Lynx." He said in his normally loud voice. The boy used his wand to summon a glass of water. It didn't seem like he was going back to sleep anytime soon.

"We can see that Daniel! And hush, you're gonna wake it up!" Hamish whisper-yelled. His wife was quietly studying the animal but keeping her distance from it. She did not know how it would react.

Isla's eyebrows furrowed. On one of the lynx's legs were some hairs darker than the rest of the fur. It looked random at first but they were in the same position as the freckles were on the little girl's arm. The one htat was with Daniel yesterday. She didn't notice then but together the spots formed the Lynx constellation. A smile came to her face when she had figured it out.

Danny gave his uncle and insulted look. "First of all, she's a she, not an it." He said with a firm voice. His sister was not an it! "And it doesn't matter, she can sleep through almost anything. She was really tired from yesterday." He got tears in his eyes when he remered the events from the day before but he refused to let them fall.

"What do you mean? There wasn't any animal with you yesterday." The old wizard was still whispering. 

Danny looked confused but after a couple of seconds he realised that the elderly couple didn't know his sister, therefore didn't know that she was an animagus. He turned around and stepped towards his sister. 

Hamish was about to stop him, not wanting his nephew to be attacked by an animal but his wife laid her hand on his arm. She shook his head with a familiar smile on her hace. Hamish recognised the smile easily, it meant that she had figured something out. As usual she would be right so he just trusted his wife but still looked wearily towards the lynx.

"Lynx, wake up." Dany said softly. He shook her a little to wake her up. The only response he got was an irritated meow and a slash with her paw. Her claws weren't out so Danny didn't feel anything. "Come on, you gotta wake up." He said a little louder.

Finally the animal turned around with her eyes open. She saw unfamiliar people behind her brother and immediately jumped in front of him with her claws ready to slash anyone who tried to hurt one of them. 

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