Chapter 28

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"I have said it before and I'll say it again, I- HLURGH" The girl cut herself off by throwing up again. Daniel grabbed her short hair because it was still long enough to be covered by the puke.

She stood back up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Her older brother looked like he was going to puke himself.

"I hate apparating!" Lynx finished.

Danny's eyes fell on the collar of his sister's sweater where the drake was sitting, enjoying the warmth eh was getting from the human. But he didn't really look like he was enjoying. Quite the reverse, the small drake looked like he was about to copy Lynx' actions. He acted quickly and took the small creature away from his sister to let it puke in the pile of leaves next to them.

But once the drake was done throwing up, he realised he was held by the male human. Let's just say the creature didn't like it. He clawed and bit onto Danny's hand until he let him go.

Lynx's reflex, when she saw the drake falling, was using wandless magic to make him stop falling midway. She held onto the spell until she could pick him up and lay him back onto her shoulder. He crawled into the sweater so only his head was poking out.

The little girl looks at the little wounds on her brother's hands. She frowned and took her wand out of the side of her brown boot.

"I'm sorry." She muttered "Episkey."

The little claw wounds started to heal back together.

"You've gotten better at healing spells." Danny said with a smile. "Last time you did one, my nose got an extra bone." He chuckled "That was hard to make an excuse for with madam Pomfrey."

He swung his arm around the 10-year-old's shoulder and together they walked towards the little wizarding town.

Lynx's mouth fell open at the beautiful town. Little shops everywhere, students of different ages bustling around. Halloween decorations were hanging all around. It was magnificent

Her brother Daniel turned her to face him.

"There are some friends of mine here. They don't know who you are really but if you don't want to meet them, we don't have to okay?" he asked to be sure. Of course, Danny was excited for his sister to meet his friends but he also knew she wasn't used to be around people and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Lynx thought for a couple of seconds but it was easily decided when she saw the hopeful gleam in Danny's eyes. Maybe it wouldn't hurt talking to some people. If anything happened, she had her wand and a book in her pocket. She should be fine with that.

The 17-year-old gave his sister a large smile and threw her arm around her again, together they walked towards the three broomsticks. The bar where Daniel Moore was to meet one of his best friends.

During the short walk Lynx's head kept turning he head to all colourful shops. The one that interested her the most was Zonko's, it looked really funny and gears started to turn in Lynx's head, already planning pranks for her brother to go through. Close to it was Tomes and Scrolls. There were so many books on the displays.

Finally, they came to a stop before a bar. It looked warm and you could hear the chatting from outside. It was welcoming in Lynx's opinion.

"I know you don't really like people so if you're unsure just pinch me or something okay?" Danny asked.

"I'd rather kick you." The girl smiled innocently while stepping forward to open the door. The little drake ducked fully in her sweater, getting a little cold again and had taken a liking in the girl.

Her brother shook her head with a smile. When they stepped in, he could without any trouble recognise his friend. Lynx, being a lot smaller than Danny, only saw back and stomach of people. He took her hand and guided them towards the booth his friend was in.

"Danny! Hi!" The ginger guy said. He waved towards his friend.

"Bill!" Daniel greeted back. He sat first so he would be next to his friend and Lynx wouldn't be squished in-between them. "Sorry I'm a little late."

"Oh no, that's fine. I'm assuming you're his sister." Bill held his hand across the table. "I'm Bill Weasley, nice to meet you!"

Lynx looked at the hand and frowned. She did not know what to do.

"You're supposed to take it, shake it, introduce yourself and say nice to meet you." Danny whispered in her ear. He knew she had never met anyone knew besides aunt Isla and uncle Hamish and that was a different situation. That introduction started with Lynx about to attack them as a kitten.

The girl took Bill's hand, which he was holding in the air for an awkward amount of time, and shook it.

"I'm Lynx. Nice to meet you to." She tried a smile but it looked more like a grimace.

Bill saw the effort and smiled back nonetheless.

"I like your hair. It looks happy." Lynx added awkwardly.

Danny gleamed at his sister. He was happy she was trying to talk his friend. He kind off expected her to clamp shut but he was glad he was wrong.

Bill laughed at the little girl's comment. "Thank you! I heard a lot about you, you know. But what I want to know mostly is ..." Bill grinned. "Do you have any embarrassing stories of your brother?"

Lynx smirked evilly at her older brother who's face already showed that he regretted bringing her there. The girl started to like Bill Weasley more and more by the second.

"Ooh, I have a lot of them" she stated with a smirk that couldn't represent anything other than trouble.

A/N Aesthetic Lynx Black

A/N Aesthetic Lynx Black

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