Chapter 22

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6 months later

Lynx was in her animagus form running through the brown crispy leaves laying the ground of the forest. Once she saw the deer that she was chasing slowing down,  hid behind a tree. The young stag looked around to see if the predator was still chasing him but he didn't see or hear anything. He slowly started to make its way back to the herd.

Lynx put the claws of her front 2 paws into the tree and used them to pull herself up. She climbed into yhe tree and balanced herself onto the branches. The feline used the branches of the trees to get closer towards the deer without it knowing.

Once Lynx was above the deer she jumped down with her claws out. Her nails pierced right through the artery of the neck and she bit down hard to be sure The deer bled out quickly. That was something that helped Lynx with her conscience a bit, the fact that it wasn't a painfully slow death. But you know, a girl's gotta eat and lets just say, animagus or not, a hungry Lynx was never a good idea.

When the deer was fully dead, Lynx started dragging it towards her camp. She was still in her animagus form because she had more strength that way.

She had chased the deer for a long time. At first Lynx tried to go after a rabbit but it noticed her to early and ran away at an significant speed.

It was a bit guessing about were Lynx had to go because she putted some protective spells around her camp making it invisible to the naked eye. She knew she was in the middle in the woods and there were no houses or rodes in sight but she'd rather be to carefull than not carefull enough. It was what her grandfather had taught her.

Lynx transformed back into her human form. She immediately took a couple of steps from the bloody deer and turned away so she didn't see it. The blood smelled repulsive, it almost made her puke, and the sight of the deer made her feel very guilty. It wasn't as bad as when she was in her animagus form. It was just nature, but as a human it was different.

Out of her pocket, Lynx took her wand and did the tracking spell.

"Appare Vestigium." she spoke and a swirl of gold came out of her wand. One for one glowing pawprints began to appear all around the forest, making a sort if pathway.

Before Lynx went out hunting, Lynx putted a powder made from a magical crushed up plants onto her paws. It would light up when she did the tracking spell but it would fully dissolve after 12 hours. That way if she was being followed, they wouldn't be able to know where she used to stay.

Lynx pocketed her wand and turnes into her animagus form. She went back to the deer, the smell of blood not being so bad know that she was an animal and began hauling the deer with her.

After about an hour the pawprints abruptly came to an end. More so, one disappeared halfway indicating that Lynx was at the barrier if her camp.

She stepped through it, one of the deer's legs still in her mouth which was know filled with blood. She made sure that the deer was fully inside the barrier before releasing it. Lynx walked away and spitted as much blood as she could out if her mouth. As an animal it didn't bother her that much but she knew it would be almost traumatizing when she turned back human.

Right outside the small brown tent was a small wooden tub filled with water. Lynx just dunked her head inside the water and began shake her head violently. Than she pulled her head back and started gurgling. It did look pretty funny, a lynx spewing out water in a perfect bow.

Lynx turned back into her human form, completely wet. She took out her wand and gave it a complicated little wave with her wand pointing at herself. A strong jet of hot air came out of the wand and dried the girl completely. 

A small shot of hot pain went trough Lynx' leg. She looked down but there was nothing there. Lynx crouched down and pulled up her pant leg. That was definitely a burn mark on her leg. Suddenly a small amount of weight was on her shoulder, wright next to belt from her quiver. Lynx' eyes widened. What the hell was sitting on her shoulder. 

Slowly Lynx turned her head and there was literally a mini dragon sitting there. A black winged lizard like breathing animal and because it was so close to her Lynx faintly saw thin yellow stripes all around the body. 

"Oh Merlin's balls." Lynx cursed under her breath while looking wide-eyed at the creature.

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