Chapter 11

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Lynx Black picked up her brown with green ivy leaf decorated bow and took the enchanted arrow. She laid the arrow delicately onto the string of the bow and pulled it back. The bow was pointed towards the air just above were everyone was standing. Hopefully Daniel remembered to keep his eyes closed. At the same time of letting out a breath she let go of the string and the enchanted arrow flew through the air. Lynx crouched and shieled her eyes from the blinding lights. After barely a second, she jumped up and ran towards her brother and her grandfather. Her eyes squinting a bit from the aftermath of the spell.

The squid ink people, as Lynx decided to call them in her head, were screaming like little babies over being surprised by the light. Hearing it worked a mischievous smirk onto Lynx's face. It wasn't really the time to smirk but, come on, it's always nice when a plan works. Years of training with pulling pranks on her brother had finally paid off.

Danny had fallen on the ground from being abruptly let go of by one of the black clothed people. Still keeping his eyes closed he crawled towards where he thought he grandfather was lying. Seemingly he had been going the wrong way because he bumped into some legs. Last he saw the white-haired wizard he was bleeding forcefully on the ground, so it wasn't very likely that he was standing. Daniel immediately looked up and met the vision of a pair of eyes that were staring back at him. Were they orange? That a strange colour of eyes. But they were so beautiful.

Once Lynx was with her grandfather she looked around for her brother. If they weren't in such a life-threatening hurry she would have rolled her eyes, facepalmed, made a snarky remake and probably would embarrassed him a whole lot. But they were kind of in a hurry, I mean, their grandfather was laying next to her, barely breathing. So she didn't think that having a stare-off with one of the people that putted him in that position, was a very well-timed idea.

A lot of the people that would attack them were getting their eyesight back and guess twice what they would do once they could see fully. That's wright, they would try to attack them. So Lynx summoned Daniel's hoodie with him still in it so he flew towards her landing very not graceful on his little sister, making a Moore sandwich. Now with extra grandpa ketchup. Danny took his wand and apparated them home.

Once home both of the Moore children immediately began to go in help mode. They used magic to carry their grandfather towards the couch and cut of his shirt. Danny had to close his eyes for a second because of the amount of blood and the severity of the wounds. His 9-year old sister on the other hand immediately began to recite every healing spell she had ever heard of. After about 2 spells Danny joined her and helped healing their grandfather. After all, he was much older and knew more spells than her. About 2 minutes after, all of the wounds were healed, there was still a lot of blood that had to be dealt with. The 17 and 9 year-old summoned sponges and cleaned up the blood by hand.

Edmund was sleeping, at least that was what they were hoping. The rising in his chest was almost invisible. Even though it was early in the afternoon, both the Moore children were tired. Probably from the adrenaline and emotion. Lynx turned into her animal form and fell asleep next to the couch were her grandfather was laying down. Danny took up the burgundy armchair that was usually were Edmund would be seated. Both of them decided they would not leave their grandfather's side that night. It could be seen as they wanted to protect them but mostly to still their own nerves. As they would be close if something would happen.

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