Chapter 06

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Two years later

"Come on Daniel, help me set up the tent!" Edmund yelled at his grandson. They were on a trip in the woods, Danny and Lynx immediately took off playing hide and seek.

After a couple of seconds both Daniel and Lynx were racing towards their grandfather. Luckily they didn't set any rules on how they had to get to their grandpa. Lynx changed into her animagus form and sprinted the last 50 meters as a feline. She stayed in her lynx form and sat down at her grandfather's feet.

Edmund chuckled, knowing that things like this happens a lot. When you make a bet, race or whatever type of game with Lynx you need to make sure there are very clear rules. But even then she would probably find a loop hole and would win in a questionably but probably honest way.

"That's not fair!" Daniel exclaimed at the little fluff ball licking her paws at his grandfather's feet. The kitten just squeezes her eyes shut and stuck her very little tongue out at the older boy.

The next morning

"Why do we have to wake up so early gran'pa?" Lynx asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Daniel was standing next to her, basically still asleep. He too was awoken from his very warm, snuggly and tempting him to go back bed. It took him everything to not get back into it but he knew that that ment that his grandfather would give Lynx the honour off wakening him. She had been getting better at controlling her magic even at 5 years old. He already had woken up with, ready for the list? Two times with wax strips on his eyebrows (that way he had to pull it off himself), 4 times by ice water being thrown upon him, paint being splashed on his full body (every time in a different colour), his blanket and/or pillow being turned into ice or mud, classical finger in the water making him pee his bed, his pillow being turned into a skunk (there was a lot of tomato juice necessary to get rid of that little guy's smell), hearing the horrible drumming on an improvised drum with cooking pots and wooden spoons. The list goes on and on, so yeah he didn't exactly look forward onto another one of Lynx Black her famous wake up calls.

"We did not come here for a trip. We are here to learn." Edmund said. Lynx perked up, she loved learning anything. Her adoptive brother on the other hand?

Danny let out a grunt. "Come on grandpa, I already did my homework. Please don't tell that we've got to do extra herbology?!?" he said with a disbelieving face. 

Lynx giggled at it. She was okay at herbology, not perfect but good enough. Whereas Daniel royally sucked at it. According to him plants hated him. Every time he had to do anything with plants it was half a comedy show.

"Partly, we are here to learn how to survive." Edmund said.

"Why do we need to learn how to survive?" Daniel asked. Both he and Lynx didn't understand why they needed to learn survival. Well, they went camping every year but to learn survival just for that was a little much.

Edmund feared this question. The answer was his fault, something years, something he definitely wasn't proud off. "For the same reason your parents needed to know how to survive, Daniel. I do not wish for that to happen to either of you. And Lynx, I want you to be able to take care of yourself."

Daniel's face fell and he looked down at the mention of his parents. Lynx didn't know what happened to his parents. She knew that they died, probably in a tragic way looking at their faces on the very few occasions that they were mentioned. Lynx looked sorrowly to her collarbone where her lightning scar was. Her grandfather had explained it to her and shared his theories on how she was still alive with her. 

After a few seconds Danny looked his grandfather straight in the eyes. 

"When do we start training?" Daniel asked determinately. What happened to his parents is not going to happen again. Not to him, and certainly not to Lynx.

"Just so you know, I'm going to kick your ass." Lynx whispered towards her honorary brother. He just gave her a look and then glared at his grandfather hearing that he was trying to hide his own chuckles and failing at it. 

There was no way his little sister was going to be better than him.

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