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Alex's POV

Finn and I arrived back at my house at around eleven o' clock. Taylor and Savannah were gonna get a ride home.

I walked Finn to my bathroom. "Sit on the toilet. I'll be back, I'm just gonna change into some comfortable clothes." I said as I walked into my room and changed into some gym shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt. I walked back into the bathroom, Finn took his jacket off and was wearing a tight black v-neck t-shirt, that exposed his pecks and his arm muscle. I looked at him and walked towards the cabinet.

"Are you ok?"He asked.

"Fine."I replied as I got the medical kit, and got a gauze pad, some alcohol and tape.

"Is this gonna hurt?"He asked.

I laughed and gave him a sarcastic smirk. "You've been through enough pain, I doubt a lil sting isn't gonna hurt."I said as I poured some alcohol on the gauze pad, I walked towards Finn and pressed the gauze pad on his cheek, Finn winced, and I glared. "That doesn't hurt."I said.

"Well, have an open wound for an thirty minutes."He complained.

"Wow Finn, I never thought of you as the complaining type."I said as I got some tap to put on the pad.

"I'm just being over-dramatic. If I was a whiner I wouldn't be here."He said firmly.

I slowly backed away and looked at him. "Well, it's great to have you."I said, putting a hand on his shoulder and closing the kit.

"And it's great to have a diva like you to return."He said, as he grabbed a free hand of mine, and kissed my knuckles. I smiled. "So, will you be my manager?"He asked, looking up at me.

"Perhaps, I have to get back in shape. I wanna go back to the main roster, and do something...Special."I said, looking down at my tile floor.

"And what is that?"He asked.

"Winning the United States Championship, it's been a dream of mine since Chyna won it when I was a teenager. That's why my dad let me train with the best, especially her."I said.

"Well, I believe you can do it."He said, giving me a charming smile.

"It's kinda more ironic cause my ex knew I wanted it since we dated so.."

"Wait..Your ex is big nose? Hunter's son?"He asked.

I nodded and Finn laughed hysterically. "Wow, I never pictured you and him together!"He exclaimed.

"Well, we were."I said, scratching my head.

"I can't wait to see you beat the hell outta him."Finn said, with his irresistable Irish accent. He checked his phone it was almost twelve. "I gotta go, I'll talk to you later, Alex. Thanks for everything!"He thanked me as he rushed out the door, before I could say anything. I stood there speechless, then I locked the door and went to my bed, then I dreamt a dream of the dashing Finn Balor


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