Kiss Me Through The Phone

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After SmackDown I flew back to Orlando, Florida. Where my dad lived. I was tired, but happy, I was back home with Savannah and Taylor. We headed out of the airport and saw a sign for us that read:
I assumed it was me and headed towards it. It was a black limo that was absolutely stainless. The window rolled and the chauffeur asked. "Are you Alex Piper?"He asked.
"Yes 'sir. Why do you ask?"
"This is a present from someone."He said giving me a note as some people and him got out of the car and helped us with our luggage.
The message read:
Dear Alex,
I wanted to make sure you drove home safely in this limo. So I bought it to transport you home. I love you, cutie❤️.
I smiled and nodded my head. "You lil bastard." I thought to myself. I then sat in the limo with Savannah and Taylor.
"So? Who was it from?"Taylor asked.
I smirked. "The infamous Fergal Devitt."
"Oh joy, if he breaks your heart I'll beat his ass!"Savannah exclaimed.
"I won't get back with him, don't worry."I said smiling as the lie escaped my lips.
Finally I arrived home the chauffeur helped me with my luggage, thankfully no one was home to ask me whom brought the limo. I unpacked my bags and put it in the washing machine, after that I jumped in the tub and took a bath, washing my hair, myself and shaving. I then put on some basketball shorts, a black t-shirt, looked at the time which was 6:30 PM. I sighed and did some laundry. Then I heard my phone buzzing. I looked at the caller.
PaintFreak🍀🇮🇪😍🎨 would like to FaceTime.
"Why does he wanna facetime?"I asked myself. I sighed. "What harm could it do?"I asked as I accepted the call.
"Hallo Alex!"He exclaimed with a smile on his face.
"Hey, what did you wanna talk to me about?"I asked.
"Just wanted to check up on ya, lass. Did ya get me gift?"He asked.
I couldn't help but smile. "Yes. It was very sweet. Thank you."
"Of course, sweetheart."
"So what are you doing?"
"Nuthing much, ya?"
"Just did my clothes."
"Mind doin' mine?"
I laughed. "Haha, think again, bitch."
Fergal began laughing. "You're so charmin', Piper."
"Thank you."
It was silent and I looked into his blue-hazel eyes smiling.
"You're so beautiful."He said smiling.
"Thank you, and you're very handsome."
"You're sexy." He said.
"Trying to have phone sex with me, Fergal?" I asked.
"Perhaps. It's not me fault that you're so sexy."He said half smiling.
We talked till 12 AM talking and laughing.
"I have to go to bed, darlin'."He said.
"Why?"I asked.
"Da men want to go to bed."He said smiling.
"Alright."I said almost hitting the hang up button.
"What is it?"
"Gimme a kiss."He said smirking.
"Excuse me?"I asked.
"Ya heard me right."
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not driving to your apartment."
He laughed and laughed at me.
"What's so funny?"I asked, slightly blushing.
"Kiss me through the phone."He said.
I smiled and slowly leaned into the camera and kissed it.
"Thank you, Piper."
"Night, Devitt."
We hanged up and I fell asleep dreaming about him and his charming accent.
Kiss me through the phone
Kiss me through the phone
See ya when I get home
[Hey guys, so I wanted to try something different. Because Finn is Irish I wanted to make the book give him a bit of a more accent so I started using ya for you, da for the, etc.. So lemme know if I should continue doing this!]

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