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I packed my belongings and headed to back where I was greeted by fans who wanted photos and autographs. I took pictures and signed a few. I got onto the bus and sighed.
"I almost got tackled."I said, groaning as I put my stuff away.
"Hey, need some help?"Corey asked as he helped me with my bags, putting them into my little room. Him and I sat down on the couch, sat across Jade and Corbin, and sat next to Savannah and Taylor.
"What's for dinner?"Taylor asked.
"We got chicken wings, cheese sticks and Pizza." Baron said going to the table.
"Hey Pan! You coming or not?"Baron asked.
I assumed Pan was some wrestler from NXT I never met. I got a plate and began to serve myself some cheese sticks and pizza.
"Sorry, Baron. I was in the shower."Pan said.
I turned and there he was.
I dropped my plate to the floor in shock which made a loud crash.
"Um. Hey Alex!"Fergal said with a half smile.
I just stood there muttering some gibberish.
"Um.. You okay?"He asked.
I nodded yes, and got another plate and put my stuff on it. Then my phone buzzed.
Bæ Savannah👸🏾❤️💛💚💍😍: Did he make your pussy pop?
Bæ Taylor🇬🇧💘🐲💜💙: Well, did he??
Me:Of course not!
IceBrain🐲💘💙⛄️:You sure?
Me:Positive. Y'all creepy asf.
I grabbed my food and drink and sat on the couch next to Savannah.
"You sure your pussy didn't pop?"She asked.
I gave her my shut-the-fuck-up-before-I-kill-you look.
"I love you too, Alex."Savannah said giving me a hug.
"I love you too."I said hugging her.
After everyone got settled we sat down in silence as we ate.
"So Fergal, how's NXT?"I asked.
"It's good. I'm about to fight Owens in a week."He said as he ate some pizza.
"So you're doing a dark match on SmackDown or something?"I asked.
"Mmh."He said as he had some pizza in his mouth.
We all stayed up and chatted for awhile then I took off to bed at 11:30. I went to my tiny room and just sat there scrolling through Instagram and Twitter to help me sleep, which worked.
I heard. I fell off my bed because of the sound. I took a hard fall to the ground because I had top bunk and Savannah had the bottom. Surprisingly no one woke up. I slowly got up, and went to the kitchen. It was dark and only had one light and it was on Fergal. He stood at the sink, his hair covering his face, he was shirtless and in some basketball shorts.
"Fergal?"I asked as I slowly came to him.
He turned and saw me. "Alex.."He said, his eyes looked bloodshot and he looked like shit. "I'm sorry, go back to bed."
"Not until you give me an answer."I almost half yelled back.
"I can't sleep.."He said looking down at the sink again.
"You have insomnia or..?"
"It's a personal.. Um, problem."He added.
I walked up to Fergal and hugged him tightly. "Even though, you broke me. I'll still care about you."
"Thank you, Alex."He said thankfully, putting his head on my shoulder. It was silent for a moment, then he spoke. "Alex.. May I sleep with you?"He asked.
It shocked me he wanted to sleep with me, but I couldn't say no. I cared about him, hell I probably still loved him. I shook my head yes, and he followed me to my bunk. He climbed in, then I did. We were probably an inch or two away from each other. I scrolled through Instagram and Twitter to help me fall asleep, but I couldn't go. It was freezing, I shivered, and was too lazy to get out of bed and turn it off.
"You cold?"Fergal asked.
"It's nothing, I'll be fine."I said with my teeth chattering.
"Come here."He said with that hot Irish accent of his.
I slowly turned to him and there he was shirtless, showing his pecs, his eight pack, and his bulging muscles, and just then my pussy popped.
"You coming or not?"He asked.
I nodded like an innocent child and I slowly scooted towards him. He put his arms around me and played with my hair, while I put my head on his chest.
"Night Alex."He said, kissing my head.
I slowly fell in a deep, peaceful sleep, all because I slept with the man I still loved.
I wanted to give you all a little AlexBalor moment😌💕. So I hope you all enjoyed!

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