Piper's Pit

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March 23rd, six days till WrestleMania.
Denver, Colorado, Monday Night RAW.

I walked backstage with Savannah,Taylor, Cole, Ric Flair and my dad. Tonight, my dad was gonna do a Piper's Pit with Kyle and the hooligans and I was gonna crash it, then it was gonna turn to havoc and I was gonna to go against Kyle tonight as well. Tonight, Cole was going to be told that he will be in a match against Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar for the title at WrestleMania.
We went to our locker room and I get ready for the segment. Then, I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in."My dad said.
Hunter came in with a smile on his face. "Alex, I have some good news!"He exclaimed.
"What is it?"I asked.
"The band StarSet wants to sing at WrestleMania to your entrance!"He exclaimed with a smile on his face.
Starset was one of my favorite bands, I absolutely loved them. The song 'My Demons' described me in general and in the ring.
"Also, we have the promo set up for you and Kyle and the big match. I'll send you the video when it is edited and all."He said. "Good luck everyone."He wished and left.

7:00 PM

I sighed as Taylor, Savannah and I were on the locker-room waiting for Piper's Pit to start.
"I hope it's good."Savannah said, sitting down on one of the couches with Taylor.
I sighed.
"Switching gears now guys, the concern of the US Title has been a big matter in WWE."Michael Cole explained.
"Cole, if it were a big matter, it would be the Main Event!"JBL exclaimed as he cut him off.
"Well, still! It still started some big issues with the Pipers and the McMahons!"Michael exclaimed again.
I rolled my eyes.
"Well, I think it's insane how the roster is split, the roster is now Team Piper, Team Piper for Alex Piper, Roddy Piper's daughter whom will go against Kyle McMahon, Stephanie's son and Vince's grandson, for the US Title, which is Team McMahon or Authority."Booker T explained.
Scottish music began to play and I saw my dad come out in a kilt, his Roddy Piper t-shirt and a black leather jacket similar to mine. He had a big grin on his face as he walked down the ramp.
"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome, 2005 Hall of Famer, RODDYYYY PIPERRRRR!"Lillian announced.
I smiled as I saw him enter the ring which was set up for Piper's Pit.
"Here comes Roddy Piper guys!"Michael exclaimed.
"The wild, crazy, but great Roddy Piper."JBL said with a smile on his face.
"Join us for Piper's Pit when RAW continues!"Michael exclaimed yet again.
"You do not wanna miss out on this!"Booker exclaimed.
They went to break, then Savannah, Taylor and I made it to the gorilla. When we made it there, my dad began to talk to Kyle and his hooligans. We looked at the screen on the right of the curtain. Kyle
"So Kyle.."My dad started.
"Hi, Mr.Piper!"He exclaimed as he gave a big smile, as he held the title over his shoulders. "I just wanted to say, I loved you when I was younger and I mean-"
My dad cut him off. "Can it, buster."My dad ordered.
The crowd cheered as he told him to shut up.
"Anyway, don't try that ass-kissing bullshit with me, I'm a Piper, I can smell bullshit from a mile away."He stated. "So, Kyle," my dad said as he sat down on one of the stools, with fruit next to his chair. "This sunday, is WrestleMania, how do you feel going into this match?"My dad asked.
"I feel as confident as ever 'sir, infact, when I pin your daughter in the ring, I think I'll take her to dinner."He said with a smile on his face.
"He's shitting me.."Savannah said in disgust.
"What are you saying, McMahon?"My dad asked, looking at him.
Kyle laughed and so did his goons. "I don't mean to be rude, Piper, but are you stupid or something?"Kyle asked, laughing.
The crowd booed and my dad laughed. "I'm stupid?"My dad asked smiling. Kyle laughed at him and nodded, then my dad grabbed fruit that was next to him, he grabbed a coconut specifically and smashed it on Kyle's head causing liquid to drip on his suit. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"My dad asked innocently.
Kyle's blood boiled, he began breathing fast. Sam handed him his blazer, Kyle quickly grabbed it and rubbed it all over him, to clean himself up as best he could. "Listen here, you crazy old bat."Kyle half yelled at him. "If you think, you're slutty ass daughter and her stupid ugly ass friends can beat my sexy self and my handsome friends, she is dead wrong. I promise you all I will walk into WrestleMania as United States Champion and I will walk out United States Champion!"He exclaimed as he held his title up. The crowd booed. "And, I'm starting right now."He declared, he dropped the mic, him and his goons cornered my dad, and probably were about to beat him to death.
"Is it time?"Taylor said sarcastically, as she smirked.
"Yup."I said cracking my knuckles.
My music hit and I walked as fast as I could into the ring with Savannah and Taylor behind me. Kyle and his goons backed off, and my dad handed me the mic.
"Kylie, you seriously wanna beat up a legend?"I asked you, laughing. "That's not smart at all, getting down to business, yea, you may win at WrestleMania, but our chances of winning is one to six."
Kyle looked down at me and growled. "Piper, you wouldn't be here if not your father."
The audience did an 'oooh'.
I smiled. "But, if my father and Hogan didn't Main Event and start the very FIRST WrestleMania, you'd probably be dead on the street." I spat back at him. "Kyle, at WrestleMania, I'm walking out as US Champion, and if I don't, I don't care as long as you don't walk out with that title. That's all I care about." I stated as me and him were chest to chest, toe to toe and head to head. I stared at him with my piercing hazel eyes, while he straightened his posture and held the title over his head.
Behold, the King of Kings.
We looked and saw Triple H and Steph on the stage looking at all of us, while they came down the ramp, talking into the mic.
"It's a shame, Alex. It's a damn shame how you think you'll be US Champ. I mean just think about it 'Alex Piper, daughter of Roddy Piper, the FIRST woman since..."He remained silent as Steph gave him a look. "Anyway, the first woman to hold the US Champion.'"He said.
"Hunter, what's the name of the woman you were gonna say?"I asked.
Steph immediately got in my face. "You say that name and you're fired!"She exclaimed.
It remained silent.
Savannah got my mic and sighed. "What the hell, I'll say it Chyna. Now, it's story time with Savannah, in case you all don't know whom Chyna is. She was in DX with Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The New Age Outlaws and X-Pac. Hunter and Chyna dated and did some 'things', and she did some 'things' with X-Pac, and literally Steph hated her, because they did 'things' and by 'things' I mean sex, kids."Savannah stated.
Piper, Taylor and I began to laugh. While Hunter and Steph were red in the faces. Kyle being embarrassed.
"And that kids, is why Chyna is not in the Hall of Fame, because she hates Chyna."She said pointing to Steph, as she finished her story-telling and gave me the mic. Then Savannah grabbed my hand and put the mic to her lips. "And if y'all mofo's wanna fire me, we'll get Chyna here."Savannah said, then she officially handed me the mic.
A look of fear came over Hunter and Steph's face.

"So Hunter, Steph. Is Chyna in the Hall Of Fame or no?"I asked, grinning at them.

Steph whimpered and began to cry. "Alright... She's in the Hall Of Fame.."She said holding her tears back.

I laughed as my dad, Savannah, Taylor and I left the ring triumphantly.

We walked backstage and Chyna hugged each and every one of us. "Thank you so much for letting them allowing me into the Hall of Fame." She thanked.

"Anything for my favorite teacher."I replied with a smile.

I got a text from Hunter saying I could not have my match with Kyle tonight, because there were a lot of segments because WrestleMania was in six days.

Chyna, my dad, Taylor, Savannah and I left the arena and flew to Santa Clara, California for the Showcase of Immortals.


[HIIII! Y'ALL THOUGHT I WAS DEAD HUH? NAH AUNTIE ALEX IS ALIVEEE. Sorry I haven't posted, I was busy with life(Hahahahahaha...What life, Alex?) Anyway, I am going to be wrapping this book up today or tomorrow, Happy Fourth of July guys and have an amazing day and weekend!]

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