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My alarm rang, it was 4:30 AM. My comeback was tonight. I was scared that my neck or something else life-threating happen to me. I got up, showered and put on some basketball shorts, with a gray long sleeved shirt, and some converse. I packed up my stuff and knocked on my dad's door.

"Dad?"I asked.

"Hm?"He asked with a slight groan.

"I'm ready."I said.

"I'll be up."He said.

I leaned a ear to the door and heard him move about. I waited and he came out a few moments later. I gave him my keys and we drove in my car to the airport. He dropped me off at the gate, I got my stuff, and a hoodie that I found in my car. "Bye, dad. I'll call you tonight."I said, as I hugged him.

"Kick some ass, sweetheart."He said as he kissed my forehead.

I nodded and boarded my flight. I put my luggage up, and sat down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax.

"Alex!"I heard someone exclaimed.

I looked up and there she was. My long time friend. Jade Polinsky, Corey Graves younger sister, better known as Hardcore DJ. I knew Jade ever since we were in Freshmen in High School. We both shared a love and strong passion for wrestling and instantly bonded.

"Jade!"I exclaimed as I stood up. We hugged and she picked me up and swung me a bit. Jade was exceptionally strong, and could probably throw someone like Nikki Bella like a rag doll.

"What are you doing here?"She asked.

"I'm doing a comeback."I said with a smirk on my face.

"Against who?"She asked.



I chuckled, and she sat with me on the plane and we talked. Then we finally arrived to RAW. I saw Savannah and Taylor there. Jade and I instantly ran to them and tackled them. It was like a little family reunion. We were like the female Four Horse Men of WWE. We talked about my return and how glad they were to see a women beat the crap out of a man, especially that man being her ex.

"I can't wait to see you fuck up that big nose."Savannah said with a smirk on her face.

"I can't wait to fuck it up."I replied.

~A few hours later~

RAW had begun and my segment was about to be on. Baron was in a match against Rhyno, don't know why they put it on RAW. Probably to show NXT, is better than RAW. I had dark blue skinny jeans, a black tank top, a black leather jacket that looked like my father's, and ankle top red converse, with black laces. I took a deep breath and relaxed. I heard a knock at my door.

"Alex, you're up."

I nodded and headed out.


Baron limped backstage with Jade helping him.

"Damn it, I almost had that fat ass pig.."He muttered under his breath.

"It's okay, baby. You did what you did."She said as she kissed his cheek.

"Baron, you okay man?"I asked as I jogged over to him.

"Yea, just got a few bruises. Nothing, new."He said.

We went to his locker-room and watched the rest of RAW. When I entered the room I saw Savannah and Taylor, Alex's friends. Corey was there as well. I sat as far as I could away, hopping they wouldn't kill me or anything.

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