Waiting to End

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Alex and I walked towards the back laughing and celebrating our victory over SAWFT. We laughed about how Carmella talked shit about her.
"So how did you feel about how Carmella talked about you like that?" I asked looking at her.
"I was called worse. I mean I've been called bitch, idiot, stupid, worthless, but all that has shaped me into the person I am today."She told me with a smile.
"So what was the best thing you've ever done to someone, and by that I mean like physically."
"Well, there was this slut that I hated at school, named Sofia. She was nothing but a suckup, I'm pretty sure she slept with the guy teachers to get good grades. She also stole my best friend from me, and that hurt. Her name was Taylor, when we in middle school together she was sucidal, and I was there for her, and then she just kinda threw me into the gutter when she hung out with Sofia. So, the slut pissed me off one day and you know what I did? I threw that ugly, stupid ass face of hers, with her horse teeth into the nearest locker, she fell and I kicked her repeatedly in the stomach, then I put her in Chris Benoit's finisher, the Crippler Crossface. I was obsessed with him at the time. Almost all the teachers in the school had to take me off her. The principal was pissed at me, but thanks to my dad, I didn't serve any punishment whatsoever." She said giving a sinister smirk.
"And with Taylor?"He asked.
"Well, at a pep rally, we wrestled. It kinda was one of the events during the rally. We were arguing and we just got our anger out. I can't tell you how much it felt good, call me crazy but when I fight or run all the anger comes out of my system. After the match, we made up."She said.
"It wouldn't happen to be Ruby?"He asked.
"Oh no! Me and her met long after that. Taylor works with animals."She said.
"Oh, I apologize for all the inconvenience and everything."I said apologizing.
"Its fine."
Me and her walked in silence to her locker room.
"Hey!"We heard someone call out from behind. We turned and saw Triple H.
"Hey Hunter."Alex said cheerfully.
"I got some news."He said with a grin.
"Which is?"Alex asked.
"Well, Fergal, we're going to put you in a shot for Kevin's title."He said.
My eyes widened. "Really?! This soon?!"I asked shocked.
"Well, you have a few matches left. Probably about five or seven at the most. We will probably do a tourney as well, but the match will be in your favor, I assure you. Nice job, guys." Hunter said as he patted our backs.
"Well, looks like I'll be back soon, and that means kicking the snot out of Big Nosed Kyle."She said triumphantly, as she walked into her locker room.
I smiled. "Hey Alex."I called out to her.
She stopped going into her room and looked at me. "Yea?"She asked.
"We'll still keep in touch right?"I asked.
She smiled, but I felt like something was wrong with her. "Of course. Goodbye Fergal."She said as she closed her door.
As soon as she closed the door I felt a cloud of sadness and gloom take over me. This was the end.

Hopefully this won't be the end for Fergal and Alex! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter I will update more later! I updated right now during school, I'm so skilled😂! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter❤️!

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