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I took a deep breath and paced back and forth on the gorilla.

"Where is Alex?" I asked thought to myself as I paced back and forth. I ran a hand through my hair, messing it up slightly.

I heard footsteps, saw her wearing a hoodie with some black teared skinny jeans and converse, I then turned my attention to her.

"Where were you?"I asked my voice almost a shout. "Our match was suppose to be twenty minutes ago!"I exclaimed.

"I was busy alright?"She said rudely as she stripped off her hoodie and wore a black cut out shirt that read "I'm a freak" shirt, the freak looking like blood dripping.

I sighed. "We'll talk about this later."I said in a half whisper to her with a slight growl in my voice.

"Why can't we talk about it now?"She asked.

"We have a match!"I exclaimed that sounded like a yell. My music began to play and I pulled her to the curtain with me and did my entrance with Alex by my side, she had a smile on her face surprisingly. We entered the ring and waited for Cassady. Cassady came out with his little Jersey team which was the wanna be Snooki, Carmella and the wanna be Pauly D, Enzo.

Cassady entered the ring and the match started. We started in a stare down and circled each other. I licked my lips and gave him a glare, and did a 'come at me bro' gesture. He was enraged and ran towards me trying to give me a clothesline, I ducked quickly and he missed. He growled at me and I charged at him and gave him Louz Them Prez. I hit him in the head repeatedly. I got off him, picked him up and threw him into the turnbuckle. I ran away and ran into the turnbuckle, kicking him in the face. Enzo and Carmella were enraged and hit the ring trying to encourage Cassady to get up. I smiled and gave him a look. I dragged him into the middle and did the diving double footstomp. I went for the pin

"1..2..3"The ref counted.

I quickly rolled out of the ring and retreated with Alex before anything could happen to us, as soon as we were backstage, Alex left me.

"Alex!"I exclaimed and called after her. When I called her, she proceeded to walk faster and run, leaving me alone.


(Now, I am not packed with shit! The next 4-5 chapters will be boring.. Sorry, I hope y'all enjoy this!)

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