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One week later

It was Monday Night RAW. It was the last RAW before Fast Lane, the official start of Kyle and I's feud. Savannah, Taylor and I arrived to Denver, Colorado for RAW. We saw some fans, took a few pictures and signed some autographs. We entered the building and got ready for RAW. I put on some dark blue skinny jeans, a black v-neck shirt of my new t-shirt on the WWE Shop. It had wolf(kinda like The Shield's) and said The Wolf has returned and on the back had my initials AP. I also put on some blue ankle high Converse, and a leather jacket. Savannah and Taylor were gonna be in a match against Sam and Joey and I was gonna be on commentary. Savannah wore a my shirt out but it was a cut-out tank top, black spandex pants, and black boots. She had her hair flat ironed by me which was to her mid back. Taylor also had her hair flat ironed but the bottom of her hair was a bit curly(like AJ's)had a cut out tank top of my shirt, black spandex pants and knee high black boots. We all agreed to wear black, since it all was our favorite color. We then heard a knock on the door.
"I got it!"Taylor exclaimed as she raced to the door and opened the door. "Hello, sir."She said as Hunter walked into the room.
"Hello ladies. I need to tell you all something."He said.
"About?"I asked looking at him.
"The Alex and Kyle storyline. We made a few changes."
"Which is?"I asked.
"It will be Kyle vs Joey vs Sam vs Taylor vs Savannah vs you at WrestleMania."He explained.
"So it will be a 6 way at WrestleMania??"Taylor asked.
"For the US title??"Savannah asked.
"Wait, am I still walking out of FastLane US Champ?"I asked.
"I'm sorry Alex. At FastLane, it will be you vs Sam, also the match will have to be 10-30 seconds long. We have a lot of matches planed for Fast Lane. I apologize."He apologized.
"Anything else about that match with Sam?"I asked.
"You will go against Joey and if you win Savannah and Taylor will valet you out to the ring and assist you in the match. If you lose, you can not have neither Savannah or Taylor."He explained.
"Any thing else?"I asked annoyed.
"If you win this match, Sam will lose. If you lose, Sam will win."He stated.
I sighed. "Thanks Hunter."
"Good luck, ladies!"He wished us and left.
Once he left, I grabbed the remote for the tv and threw it as hard as I could to the wall. When it met the wall it broke into a million of tiny pieces.
"Damn it!"I yelled.
[Poor Alex. I hope she wins! Thank you all for the votes and everything! You all are amazing!]

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