Girls vs Boys

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I awoke with Alex in my arms, I kissed her on her forehead, and played with her hair a bit. Our blind for our bunk was closed so no one could see us cuddling. Slowly Alex began to wake up.

"Morning sunshine."I said with a smile.

"Shut up.."She said with a groan and I laughed. "We didn't have sex did we??"She asked as she freaked out.

"No, but we could if you want to."I told her as I winked.

"Oh Lord."She said rolling her eyes as she got out of the bunk, I laid there in her bunk and smiled.


After a few more hours of sitting on our arses we finally arrived to SmackDown. We all got down and went our separate ways to our locker-room. I was doing a dark match. I was excited, yet nervous, but at least I was moving up in the business, as I got ready I got a text from Hunter.

Boss:Hey kid.

Me:What is it sir?

Boss:Vince, Regal and I have been talking and we are thinking about having you go to backstage every other two RAWs. So you can get the Main Roster feeling.

Me:All right, thank you, sir.


I turned my phone off and warmed up for my dark match against Bad News Barrett. I was nervous, but I was determined to win. I looked on the tv and the brat and his two fools made their entrance. I nodded my head. Kyle was nothing but a brat and if I ever went against him I would make sure to put that little bastard in his place.

He grabbed a mic from one of the camera guys and began to speak, he sighed before speaking as the whole entire crowd booed him. "This past RAW, I was utterly humiliated by none other than the person you called savior. I was here, having my moment.. Then... She came.."He said with a growl in his voice. "I just wanted to have my moment, my moment with my 393 day title reign, but no I simply couldn't."He said trying to make the crowd feel sympathy for him. "But, that," He said with a smirk and a chuckle, "but that just shows you how cold and heartless Alex Piper is."He said. "When, we dated I showed nothing, but love and compassion to her, but what did she do. She hit me, yelled at me, called me almost every single name in the book."He then proceeded to 'cry' and grabbed a hankie from his pocket and blowed his nose into it. He 'cried' but then he put on a straight fist and growled slightly. "But, I swear to you WWE Universe, to all you loyal fans, I will put and end to Alex and her pathetic life, because she is nothing but a sick, sadistic, son of a-"

A wolf howling and growling echoed through the arena and so did Alex's theme. She came out just as beautiful as ever. She wore a black leather jacket, dark blue skinny jeans with tears in some of it and black ankle top Converse. She stood and the stage and smiled at Kyle. "Of course, always playing the innocent one, huh? And you say I'm the wimp!" She said triumphantly and laughed.

"You better have on damn good reason why you're out here, Piper!"He exclaimed.

"It's simple, Kylie. I came here to correct you and become the new WWE United States champion."She declared.

He laughed. "There has to be another reason, seriously."

"You want an answer? It's simple. I wanna kick your ass."

Once she said that he was livid. "If you wanna beat me so bad, Piper, then why don't you come in the ring and fight me?!"He asked.

"I'll save that for Fast Lane, when I'll beat you and embarrass you in front of everyone."

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