Pep Talk and Meeting

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I heard as the alarm on my phone went off. I shook my head and turned it off and slept.

A few moments my father came in and opened the blinds. I immediately woke up and hissed.

"Oh come on, you're not a vampire, Alex."He exclaimed.

I groaned and ignored him.

He then dragged me out of bed, and I hit my head against the floor.

"Ow!"I exclaimed as I held my head. "What the hell do you want?"I asked rudely.

"Joy, you're acting more like me."He smirked.

"Oh shush."I snapped.

"We have a meeting with Hunter, so get dressed."He ordered and left my room.

I got up slowly, took a quick shower, got out and put on a gray v-neck, some black gym shorts, ankle top Converse, and a black hoodie with angel wings on the back, the usual. I walked to the kitchen and looked at my dad wearing a shirt and some gym pants. He was siting down on the wet bar, drinking some coffee and reading the paper. "I'm ready." I told him.

He looked at me and smiled. "Let's go."He said, as he got up and got his keys. We went in my car, and drove to the performance center. On our way there I listened to Three Days Grace, "I Am Machine" with one earphone out so I could hear my dad.

"How you holding up?"He asked me.

I nodded. "I guess okay."I said.

"Looks like it's gonna be cloudy today."He said looking out the car window.

I rested my head on my chin and looked up at the peppery sky, that was condensed with rain. The rain just wanted to come out, but it couldn't. It wanted to cry and let everything out, but it couldn't. It just couldn't. Nothing could make it cry. I was the rain, I wanted to cry, but I simply couldn't because everyone was watching, and they would look down on me and assume I was weak like I was when I was a rookie in WWE. I sniffed and wiped some tears that came down my eye and rolled onto my cheek with the sleeve of my hoodie, and I took deep breaths, trying to stay calm and collective.

"We're here."My dad said.

I looked at the building and I became overwhelmed. I felt alone, nervous, afraid, fearful, anything you could think of. "I can't do it.."I said, as I put my head in my hands and broke down sobbing.

My dad looked at me. "Alex? What's wrong?"He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"I don't wanna do this anymore.. What if I fail? It'll all be for nothing!"I exclaimed.

"Don't you dare talk like that! You're a Piper! When people think we are down and out, we come back up fighting, and we're fucking crazy! CAUSE THATS WHAT PIPERS ARE! NO ONE WANTS TO STEP ONE FOOT IN THE RING WITH US BECAUSE WE'LL THROW FOOD AT THEM AND HIT THEM IN THE FUCKING HEAD WITH A COCONUT! AND FORCE THEM TO EAT BANANNAS!"He yelled at the top of his lungs.

I smiled and began laughing.

"There. I like seeing that smile on you. Ever since you were a baby, I loved that smile."He said, smiling, he gave me a hug and kissed me on the forehead. "Lets go and face those weak ass McMahons."He said, getting out the car. I followed him and went with him inside the building. As we went inside, the McMahons were already waiting for us. Hunter, Steph, Vince, and that stupid ass brat Kyle.

"Piper!"Vince exclaimed as he opened his arms to hug him.

"Hey! You crazy son of a bitch!"My dad exclaimed. I chuckled and smirked. My dad then hugged Hunter and Steph and gave a nod to Kyle. I look off into the distance, I don't know what, just looked off into space.

"Alex!"Steph exclaimed as she came towards me an hugged me. "You've gotten so big!"She exclaimed.

"Steph.. I'm the same as I was a year ago."I said.

"There's my face of the women's division!"Hunter exclaimed and gave me a bear hug. I patted him on the back and smiled. I gave Vince a nod, but I did not even acknowledge Kyle.

We sat down in an office that had a long table and multiple chairs. Vince, Hunter and Steph sat in the first three while my dad and Kyle sat next to them and I sat at the very end.

"Alright, so let's discuss the Alex and Kyle storyline, shall we?"Hunter asked.

"This is gonna be hard for the company.. We might lose money for going back into an Attitude Era.."Vince said as he bowed his head and shook his head.

"Grandpa, who cares? Either way, you'll make more money. People like seeing gore and besides who wouldn't love to see a money beat a woman?"He asked with a sinister smirk on his face.

I laughed. "That's the opposite, idiot."I said, looking at him.

"Whatever."He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Anyway,"Steph cleared her throat looking at us. "It is a very hard decision to make, but we will have Alex,Savannah, Taylor, Kyle, Sam, Joey, possibly some others in this storyline, obviously Hunter and myself will be in it."Steph said as she looked at her husband and smiled.

"Steph, this is a risky decision to make.. Kids will rebel! We'll lose money!"Vince exclaimed.

"Well, since I'm running things now, Alex will get her shot, and she will win the US Championship and hold it for a good amount of time, alright, Vince?"Hunter said looking at him.

Vince looked as if he almost had a heart-attack, but screw Vince. I'm getting a shot at the US title!

"THANK YOU HUNTER!"I exclaimed as I flew across the table and hugged him tightly, with the biggest grin on my face.

"You will have one last match with Fergal, and you'll be off on your way."He told me."Congratulations, kid."He said hugging me.

"Thank you! I can not thank you enough!"I exclaimed.

"Just don't screw up."He said.

I smiled and left the room with my dad, as we left the room, I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry."I apologized.

"It's fine."He said, the voice sounded familiar. I looked up and there he was. Fergal.

I bit my lip and looked up. "Bye, Fergal. See you next time."I said as I held my head up high and proud, leaving him in the dust.


[Things are going well for Alex! Don't you agree? But yea, Alex and Fergal shall be ending soon, but don't worry there will be a come back in the second book. Enjoy everyone!]

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