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I awoke at 8 in da morning. I had to be at NXT in an hour or so. I slowly got up and checked my phone. I received a text from Alex.
Alex😍😍😌❤️:Morning, have a great day at NXT☺️💕!
I smiled and immediately responded back
Have an amazin' day, Alex😌❤️.
I showered, got dressed, wearing a Property of WWE shirt, black basketball shorts and black running shoes. I made meself a protein shake and headed to da NXT Performance Center. I headed inside and saw very few people, I put me stuff in me locker and texted Baron and Corey.
Me:Where are ya guys at?
Baron🐺:Hey this is Danielle(Jade), Baron is driving, he'll be at NXT in 10 mins.
Corey👊🏼:Same I'm driving with these two lovebirds.
Me:I'll meet you all at da entrance.
I walked to da entrance and waited for Baron and Corey. I saw dem from a distance and I waved.
"Top of the mornin' to ya!"I greeted dem.
"Oh shut up."Danielle said rudely.
I loved bein' Irish because everyone hated my accent wit a passion.
"So how's Alex?"Danielle asked as we headed into da building.
"Good, kicking arse."I replied.
"She's gonna beat the crap outta Kyle. I know it."Danielle replied triumphantly.
I smiled, I had faith in Alex but at the same time, I didn't want her to injure herself like the last time.

I fell off my bed, alarmed and awake.
"MORNING SLEEPY HEAD!"My dad said as he wore some work-out clothes and held pots and pans.
"LEMME GO TO SLEEP!"I exclaimed as I tried to climb into bed.
Then my dad slammed the pots and pans again. I cringed and gave a fake cry. "Get your ass up, we have work to do."
"What work?!"I asked quickly looking at him.
He gave me a blank look. "You have to train for your match against that brat if you wanna win."He told me.
"I'll be ready in a moment."I told him as I got up and ready. I put on a Property of WWE shirt, black basketball shorts, and black running shoes. I also decided to put my hair up in a pony tail. I grabbed my hoodie and headed to the kitchen. My dad was blending something, I didn't know what, but I sat on the wet bar and rubbed the sand out of my eyes.
"Here ya go, kiddo."He said placing a cup in front of me with some liquid in it.
"Thanks."I said as I almost took a sip from the drink, my eyes widened and I put the drink back down.
"Alex, what's wrong?"He asked.
"I am not drinking the yolk, you're insane!"I exclaimed as I put it in his hands.
"Alex, drink it."He ordered as he pushed it into my hands.
"Nope."I spat back as I slammed the cup onto the wet bar.
"Alright, I suppose we'll do this the hard way."He assumed, grabbing the cup, "hold still." He ordered me.
"Dad.. What are you doing?"I asked fearfully.
And at that moment, my yolk shake virginity was taken..


My dad and I arrived at the gym a few moments later after the horrible yolk incident. Outside of the gym waited Savannah and Taylor. I got out of the car shivering and full of fear.
"Hey guh!"Savannah exclaimed with a smile on her face.
Taylor tilted her head and looked at me. "What's wrong?"She asked.
"You don't wanna know..."I warned as I shivered, remembering the most frightening moment of my life.
"Well, I gave her some yolk, but she didn't wanna drink it so I had no choice but to force her to drink it."He explained.
I began to fake cry so my friends would feel pity.
"How'd you force her to drink it?"Taylor asked.
"Well, I held her down by her hair and poured some of the yolk into her mouth. It was fuckin' funny, you shoulda seen how she squirmed!"My dad exclaimed as he snorted.
I rolled my eyes. "Can we just get down to business?!"I asked rudely.
"Oh, now you wanna work?"He asked.
"I just wanna win and get whats rightfully mine."I said boldly as I walked into the gym. Surprisingly, no one was there. It was completely empty.
"No trainer? Just us?"I asked as I looked at my dad.
My dad pointed to something. I didn't know what, I looked and there she was.

Joanie Laurer, A.K.A. Chyna.

I stood there in awe. There she was. My idol whom trained me when I was going into WWE. She still had her amazing body phisique and she glowed.
"Hello, Alex."She said with a smile on my face.
I immediately ran and hugged her. I didn't keep in touch with Chyna because she left without telling anyone where she was going. She just vanished off the grid as if she were dead.
"I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. Just had to get away from a lot of things, y'know?"
"It's alright. I understand."I said with a nod.
"I heard you're going against Paul's son, Kyle at WrestleMania, huh?"She asked.
"Yes, ma'am."
"And, I'm here because your father wanted me to loan you a helping hand, and also I could pick up more than Paul, probably still can." She said triumphantly, she then looked at Taylor and Savannah. "How much do you weigh, the both of you?"She asked.
"147 pounds."Taylor said.
"146 pounds."Savannah said.
"So 293 pounds, I think I can weigh that much."She said as she walked over to both Savannah and Taylor and lifted them with little struggle. "I still got it!"She exclaimed as she gently put them down.
"So, you're helping me to bear Kyle?"I asked.
"Yes, and beat the lovely Stephanie McMahon lil' prodigy."She said Steph's name in disgust. Chyna hated Stephanie, when I was younger, Hunter and Chyna dated, and they were crazy about each other, but then he left her for Steph. Then a month or so later, Steph found Hunter fooling around with Chyna. She fired Chyna out of utter hatred, but Hunter had no choice to stay with WWE.
"Ale."Chyna called me out.
Ale was my nickname for Chyna. "You're gonna do some pull ups on those and by the end of the week I expect to you to have done 1,000 of those."
My jaw dropped. "You're serious?"I asked, absolutely dumbfounded.
"Fine then, 500. You're not gonna so jumping jacks and that other kiddy stuff, you're not 10 anymore."She told me.
"Alright, lets do this."I said as we walked over to the pull ups. I jumped up and held the bars and began to do pull ups.
My dad grinned as if he were Cheshire The Cat, he took his phone out and began to record me. "This is gonna be good." He said smirking.
I looked at the pullup bar, it was two long 8 ft steel poles that were connected to each other, with a blue pad underneath, just incase you fell.
"Alex."Taylor called me.
"Yes?"I answered looking up at the bar, getting ready to jump.
"Want me to put any music on?"She asked.
"Yes, please."
She put her phone into aux, "what song?" she asked.
"Put your phone on shuffle, let whatever play." I said.
Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon came on.
I smirked, jumped up began to do pull ups. Then my favorite part came on.
I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone.
I long for that feeling to not feel at all.
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink.
I can't drown my demons they know how to swim.
I smirked, and pulled up as fast as I could when that song came on.
The next song was Titanium. I smiled as sweat dripped down my face.
You shoot me down, but I won't fall.
I am titanium.
I pulled up, but my arms began to hurt and I was getting tired.
"90..91..92..93..94..95.." Chyna stopped when I pulled up. "You can do this come on."She encouraged me as I pulled up for 96. She smiled. "96..97..98..99..100!"She exclaimed.
As soon as she said 100, I fell on the mat and began to pant heavily like a dog.
My dad gave me some water, and I drank almost half of it. When I drank the water it felt like I drank it from God's pond.
"Alright, Ale. Stay there, Savannah come here."She ordered her politely.
"Yes ma'am?"She asked.
"Sit on Alex's stomach."She ordered.
"WHAT?!"I asked.
"Alex, don't make it like the yolk incident again!"My dad exclaimed as he video taped me.
Savannah sat on my stomach and I relaxed a bit.
"You okay, Ale?"She asked.
"Yes ma'am." I nodded.
"Okay, do a sit up."She ordered.
I breathed out and slowly came up, performing a sit up.
"Okay, do nine more."She ordered.
I obeyed and did nine more, it burned, but hey, I'm closer to getting more abs. Once, I finished the ten, Savannah helped me up, gave me my water and I drank the rest of my water. After running, doing sit ups, and almost what seemed like 1,000 burpies. I went in the bathroom and showered, thankfully I packed another pair of clothes. After I showered and headed back to everyone, I saw Savannah and Taylor, sweaty heading to the showers. I walked to my dad and Chyna whom I saw talking.
"I'll see you later, Piper."She said nodding. "Bye, Ale!"She said giving me a hug and leaving.
"That woman is amazing, she can sellout an entire show, knowing her."My dad said smirking.
"Let's head home. I'm tired."I said as I walked to the car, feeling every single bone and muscle in my body, hurting.
After an intense workout with Enzo, Cass, Corey and Corbin, I took a shower.They were getting me ready for my NXT Championship match against Kevin. After my shower, I checked my phone and saw nothing. I headed to the lounge of the NXT Center. I sat on the couch with Enzo and Cass who were watching a documentary of the sort.
"How ya feelin' Finn?"Enzo asked me.
"I'm great, just a bit tired."I said, yawning.
"You nervous for your match against Owens?"Cass asked.
"Kinda, I mean who isn'f afraid of Owens? He brutally destroyed Sami, I hope he doesn't do dat to me or anyone else."I said.
"Ya got a point there, Finn."Enzo said nodding and watching tv wit Cass. I scrolled through Instagram and saw Alex post something tree hours ago.
"Gym time, everyday."
I smiled and liked the post.
"Oh dayum!"Enzo exclaimed.
"What?"I asked looking at him.
He pointed to the tv and der was Alex, doing pull-ups, sit ups, and burpies. Alex's father video taped her, working out, and tweeted:
Training the future champ with Chyna. Get ready for the pain! WWEKyleMcMahon, WWETripleH, WWEStephanieMcMahon.
Then Steph and Hunter shot back.
Tell your child and that disgrace of woman that our champ will beat yours at FastLane! RoddyPiperWWE, AlexPiperWWE.
They had a video of Kyle doing burpies and performing a spinebuster on his dad.
"Who you goin' for, Enzo?"Cass asked.
"Kyle, you?"
"What bout you, Finn?"They asked me.
"Team Piper all the way."I replied with confidence.
[I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I kinda wanted to have the McMahons have a twitter war with the Pipers, and trust me it'll be gruesome!]

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