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I got home and walked into the house and saw my dad watching tv with Wilson, our dachshund.

"There you are!"He exclaimed.

I sniffed and ran to my room and shut the door and cried. I ran a hand through my hair, fell on my bed and cried on my pillow.

My dad knocked on the door and opened it. "Alex, what the hell happened?!"He asked me, I could tell he was worried.

"I just... I saw Fergal kissing that slut that broke my arm.."I said with my voice cracking at every other word.

My dad nodded his head. "What did I tell you? I told you he was trouble!"He exclaimed.

I sniffed. "I'm sorry.."I apologized

My dad nodded his head, put his head in his hands, and sat on my bed. "There, there. It'll get better. Come here."My dad said as he gestured me to give him a hug. I sniffed and rubbed my tears away and hugged him tightly.

"I'll talk to Hunter. We'll get this mess taken care of. Just rest."He told me, patting the back of my head, then kissed my forehead. He then left the room. I went to my bathroom and took a long bubble bath to feel relaxed. I put Three Days Grace on my phone and "Home" came on.
This house is not a
I sang along with the song. I sighed. "Nothing really is a home anymore."I said to myself.
After the whole fiasco with Nikki, I was brought into Hunter's office for questioning. Not really for questioning, but what seemed like an hour or so long lecture. Thankfully, he let me out.
"You really blew it this time, Fergal."A mysterious man said.
I turned and he stepped out of the shadows.
It was Kyle and his lil' hoes. Sam and Joey.
"What the fuck do you want, you little brat?"I asked.
He laughed. "Fergal, Fergal. Damn, you're such a screwup. You had Alex, I mean you really did! But, you ended up making out with the company's slut. Nice job."He said, clapping.
"If you weren't the bosses son, you wouldn't be here, you'd probably be doing the same thing that slut is doing or even worse."I said.
He growled and ignored me. "Think what you will, Devitt. I'm always in control, soon this business will be mine, and I'll have everything."He said triumphantly.
"Dream on, little shit."I said, as I saluted him with my middle finger and left.
"Fergal, do be careful. Alex might be heading to the main roster soon, you don't want her to get hurt now, do you?"He asked.
I stopped walking, grabbed him by his collar and held him up. "If you ever hurt her, so help me, I personally will beat you and your lil' hoes too!"I yelled out the top of my lungs, I let him go and walked to my car. I put the radio on and sighed.
"This house is not a
Home, home."
The song sang over and over again.
"Fergal, Fergal. What are you gonna do?" I asked myself, feeling nothing but sorrow and guilt.
[I hope you all enjoyed! Still hate Fergal or hate Kyle and his stupid ass crew? Anyway, I hope you all enjoy💘!]

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