This Is War

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I woke up in the bed of my tour bus tired. I looked at my clothes and I was still in my clothes that I wore the previous night but I had on underwear and the top. I got out of bed found some pants and went to the dinning area which no one was there. I sighed and picked my phone up from the table, I was spammed with Instagram and Twitter notifications. I checked twitter and saw a tweet from Kyle.

"Once again AlexPiperWWE couldn't beat me."

And had a picture with him and his hooligans and his parents. I scrolled through Twitter and saw Sam mention me in a tweet.

F5 AlexPiperWWE

It was gif, it had Sam hoisting me on his shoulders and performing an F5 on me. I sighed and took a seat. I put my hands on my face and shook my head. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I began to cry. I felt humiliated losing to Kyle in probably one of the worst ways possible.

"Ale."I heard someone say. I knew that voice.

It was Chyna. I scooted and she sat next to me comforting me. "It's alright."She said rubbing my back.

"I feel so embarrassed..."I said sniffing, as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I know, but listen to me. You wanna know something? This is war, it's the moment of truth and the moment to lie. It's the moment to live and the moment to die, the moment to fight."She told me.

"And when you feel cornered," My dad said sitting down in front of me, holding my hand. "You come back out fighting like the Piper you are."He said smiling. I looked up behind him and there was Savannah and Taylor, smiling at me.

I sniffed. "Thank you guys. I love you guys."

"The fight is done, but the war is won."Taylor said.

I smiled and with that I felt more confident to win.

Monday Night RAW, Chicago, Illinois

It was the Aftermath of FastLane and we were one step closer to WrestleMana. I was going to interrupt the Hooligans segment. I wore a leather jacket, a blood red cut out shirt, torn dark blue skinny jeans and leather ankle top Converse.

I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?"I asked.

"It's me."He said. I looked and there he was.


"Hi."I said a bit irritated.

"Listen, I'm sorry about the match last night. It was Vince's decision."Hunter explained.

"I was embarrassed Hunter. You know how it feels to be embarrassed right?"I asked a bit rudely.

"I understand, I apologize, but I promise you will become US Champ. Now with the segment, you could have a guest come out and help you."He explained.

"Who is this guest?"I asked.

"You'll find out. Now you're on!"He said.


I was waiting on the Gorilla and I heard the Hooligans speaking.

"Last night at FastLane. I destroyed Alex."Sam said.

I cringed when he said that.

"And she said she could beat him, ladies and gentlemen, this proves Alex can not beat me. If she can not beat Sam, then she can not beat me. She has no chance of beating me." He laughed. "She might be a Piper, but I am a McMahon, we are greater than the Pipers. My grandfather, Vince McMahon, who beat Stone Cold and won the Royal Rumble. My mother, Stephanie McMahon, who was the first and only woman to pin The Rock. My father, Triple H, who had main evented countless WrestleManias, he is the Cerebral Assassin, The Game, The King of Kings, must I go on?"He asked laughing.

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