Round 2

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I pushed the door open to Fergal's apartment, while he hung an arm around my neck. I dragged him to the bedroom and laid him on his bed.
"Alex.."He mumbled.
"What?"I asked as I took his shirt, shoes and socks off.
"I'm tired.."
"Hell, I'd be too if I were slammed into a table by Kevin Owens."I told him as I tucked him into bed.
"Who's here..?"
"No one. They're partying with your 'friend' Kevin."I said, shaking my head.
"Alex.."He called me.
"What?"I questioned rudely.
"You're not fucking Cole Flair are you?"He asked groggily.
"What gives you that fucking idea?"I asked.
"You kissed him on live tv."
"Oh my God, just because I kissed him doesn't mean I'm fucking him!"I spat at him.
"You might as well!"He spat back at me.
"What the fuck is your problem? Are you on your man period?!"
"No! I'm sorry I fuckin' care!"
"Well, you don't have to care about me! You talking me about fucking Cole? Why don't you go fuck Nikki Bella, huh? That chick is easy!"I yelled.
"Why would I fuck her?"
"I don't know why wouldn't you fuck her?"I asked rudely.
"Because I love you, you fuckin' idiot!"He exclaimed, when he exclaimed thunder clapped, and it began to pour.
It was quiet. No one said anything, not a word, not a sound, nothing.
I grabbed my hair and threw it over my other shoulder.
"What is that?"Fergal asked, breaking the silence.
"What is what?"
"This."He said, putting a finger on the back of my neck, where it had a small sized line.
"That's where I had my neck surgery last year. It was when I went against the Bellas in a handicap match, I jumped off the top rope and my neck bent in a way it shouldn't have. I was rushed to the hospital. The doctor said if I burped, sneezed or coughed I was gonna be paralyzed for my entire life. The next day, I went into surgery, and everything was all right, my dad was worried, but what father wouldn't be."I said.
"What do ya have against The Bellas if you don't mind me askin'?"He asked.
I sighed. "They almost ruined my career, after my neck injury they didn't even apologize, they just insulted me on twitter. I can't stand Nikki, she says she's a tomboy, what a liar. A tomboy isn't caked in makeup, they don't wear designer products, they wear boyish clothing. She probably sucked Vince's dick to get here, her and her sister. Yea, I came from a wrestling family, but I was bullied all my life for dressing the way I dressed and being who I was, but I worked my ass off to get here and get what I deserve."I said.
"I'm sorry."Fergal said as he came behind me and kissed my scar. I smiled. "I love you, Alex Piper." He said kissing my neck. I moaned slightly as he kissed me. I turned to him and our faces were inches away from each other. My heart began to beat fast, I began shaking. He slowly lead his face in mine and our lips met. He kissed my lips passionately as he played with my hair. I moaned at his touch. He then gently bit my lip with his fangs and sucked on my tongue. The kiss intensified, and before I knew it, we were in our underwear.
"Do you wanna do this?"He asked.
I nodded innocently. He laid me on the bed, and he slowly took my underwear off with his teeth. He licked his lips as he saw my pussy. He gave me a long lick that made me moan. I rubbed the back of his head as he at me out. He inserted his tongue in my pussy and twirled his tongue in it, I dug my head more into the pillow, moaning. He then licked my clit and sucked on it as if it were a lollipop. I moaned as I ran a hand through my hair. "Oh fuck..Fergal."
"Call me daddy."He ordered as he sucked on my clit.
"Yes, daddy."I said as moaning, enjoying every suck. He got his knees, spit on his dick, then he inserted it inside of me.
"Oh fuck!"I screamed as my walls clenched onto his dick.
"Oh damn, Alex. You feel amazin'!" He said groaning as he pounded me.
I moaned as I felt him hit my g-spot each time he pounded me. Everytime he pounded me it thundered. I began to claw his back, giving him claw marks, making him bleed.
"Daddy.. Let me takeover."I said.
"Ya sure ya can handle it?"He asked, slowing down his pace.
I nodded, he got off me and laid on the bed. I kissed his lips passionately, then I sat my wet pussy on his huge cock. "Fuck.."I moaned as I went up and down slowly. Fergal took my bra off, and massaged my boobs.
"You have amazin' tits."He complimented me.
"Thanks."I smiled as I went up and down, making my pace faster. Fergal held my waist, helping me ride him. I went up and down as fast as I could, with Fergal helping me. I moaned as everytime I came down I felt him hit my g-spot. "I'm coming, daddy!"I moaned as I went up and down even faster.
"Come here."He ordered me as he gestured me to sit my pussy on his face.
I stopped riding him and I sat my pussy on his face. He dug his nails into my ass and ate me hungrily. He sucked on my clit like a lollipop. I screamed as he hit my g-spot and I came in his mouth.


We laid in bed after having two hour sex. We were both sweaty and our hair was messy. We were under the blankets, cuddling together
"Jesus, Alex. We should have sex more often.. You'll be my daily work out."He said smirking, placing a peck on my lips, and closed his eyes.
I smiled. "Fergal." I called.
"I love you."I said.
He looked at me and smiled. "I love you more."He said, kissing my lips. He smiled at me and kissed my lips, and with that we slept together in peace.
[I told y'all I'd make the next chapter special! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and the smex scene😌💕! I'll be wrapping this up soon, but there will be a sequel!]

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