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I walked out into the arena. My theme bursting through out. Fergal's jaw dropped. I was wearing a cut out Finn Balor t-shirt, dark blue booty shorts, and some ankle leather Converse, that had buckles and red laces. I waved at Fergal and he stood there in awe at me. I walked in and screamed in a manner that my dad did when he use to wrestle. I looked at Fergal and smiled, he looked at me nodding his head, then he gave me this smirk and winked at me. I blushed and looked away. Our opponents were Enzo and Carmella. The other guy was there because he went against Baron Corbin and got his ass handed to him, literally.

The bell rang, I went behind the ropes and Fergal and Enzo began the match. They began the match in a neck and shoulder line up, both of them trying to get the upper hand to see who would win the match. Fergal ended up winning the neck and shoulder line up and immeadiately put Enzo in a grapple and ended up german suplexing him. Fergal picked him up by his hair, threw him into the corner and kicked him in the stomach repeatedly. 

"Enzo!"Carmella cried.

Fergal looked at her tilting his head, she started talking trash to him in that stupid ass accent of hers. Distracted, Enzo came up behind Fergal and hit him right in the head, then he threw him into his and Carmella's corner, he tagged Carmella and she began to kick him in the chest repeatedly. Carmella then bowed to the NXT universe, then Fergal got up pushed her and attempted to tag me in, but Carmella then drop kicked him and he fell. He was within my reach, but I couldn't reach him.

"Come on Fergal!"I exclaimed.

Carmella laughed as he laid on the mat, then she kicked him right in the balls. He groaned loudly in pain and she laughed, enraged I almost threw myself at her, but the ref stopped me.

"Hey! Thot ass bitch!"I screamed at her.

She looked at me and gave me a who-the-hell-do-you-think-you're-talking-to look. "Who do ya think you're talkin' to? I wouldn't be talkin' 'cuz you're nuthing but a piece of trash, kid!"She exclaimed, then she looked at Fergal and he tripped her and tagged me. She tried getting up put I immeadiately charged at her and punched her in the head repeatedly, trying to mess up her ugly ass rodent face. The ref seperated us, I threw her into her and Enzo's corner, he tagged himself in, and he gave me this sinister smirk.

"Why don't ya go tag you're lil ol' buddy Devitt?"He asked with a laugh.

I smiled then I gave him hurricanrana, and his head directly hit the mat. I dragged him into our corner and tagged Fergal, I then jumped out of the ring and ran to Carmella giving her a clothesline, I stood over her and laughed.

"You're talking to a Piper, bitch! We run this fucking town!"I exclaimed, I then screamed like my father and laughed. I looked at the ring and Fergal hit the diving-double-foot stomp on Enzo. He then went for the pin.

"1..2..3!"The ref counted and the bell rang. I hoped into the ring and ran to Fergal. I jumped on him engulfing him in a hug, wrapping my legs around his waist and looping my arms around his neck. He held me and we walked in a circle together.

"Congrats, Mr.Devitt."I said looking right into his blue eyes and smiled.

He smiled. "And thank you, Mrs.Piper."He said as he kissed my forehead, then let me go.


Thank you all so much for the love! Hope you all enjoyed this~

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