In A Blink Of An Eye

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[Since the chapter is called In A Blink Of An Eye it will be very short, I apologize, but I'll try to make the next few chapters as interesting and long as possible!]


Today was the day. I was going to go against Sam. I was nervous, but I was sure I was going to win. Taylor, Savannah and I arrived to the arena at around 11:30 AM. We didn't see that many fans so we just walked into the arena. I sighed as I we walked into the locker room. I had I Hate This Part by the PussyCat Dolls, the song made me sad, but I felt confident.

A few hours later, FastLane started. I was worried about the 30 second match, but I was sure to win.

"Guys, you're on."One of the staff told us.

Taylor, Savannah and I walked out to the arena. Taylor and Savannah wearing a black leather vest, black spandex and black Timberlands. I wore a black tank that had a wolf with blood on it, black spandex and black knee high buckled Converse. We waited on the gorilla, then we came out and did our entrance.


Baron, Corey, Danielle and meself sat backstage watchin' the Sam vs Alex match. I was positive Alex would win this match because she literally dominated Sam when we practiced at NXT.

"I hope Alex whoops ass tonight."Danielle said, crossing her arms.

"She will, Savannah and Taylor will too probably."Corey added.

The hooligans music came out and he did his entrance while Danielle booed wit all her might. I just ignored dem by scrollin' through Instagram and Twitter, then Alex's theme hit. Once I saw her, I literally drooled. She was a godess. Savannah and Taylor were behind her, looking beautiful. Alex slid in the ring and screamed in a manner like her father. I smiled looking at her. The bell rang and the match began. Alex and Sam circled each other, then Kyle got on the apron wit his title on shoulder. Alex looked at him, marched over and told him, "get your bitch ass outta here."

Kyle smirked, grabbed her by her neck, and smashed his lips onto hers. Alex was stunned, after him kissing her for about five seconds, she pushed him off da apron and turned her attention to Sam. Sam brutally hit her with his forearm, Savannah and Taylor got on the apron, but Joey grabbed them by their ankles and made them fall off. Sam held Alex up on his shoulders.


He's gonna F5 her.

I was right, he swung Alex off his shoulders and performed an F5.

Then he pinned her.

"1..2..3!"The ref counted the bell rang, and Kyle jumped into the ring and held his hand up in victory. Danielle was cursing as many words she could in the English language, all I could do was look at Alex and see her layin' there as if she were dead.


[I know this chapter was probably insane, but I wanted to make it like this. I added Te Amo by Rihanna because to me it just described the match, I dunno why it just did. I hope you all don't kill me over this chapter lol!]

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