Changing Plans

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[I tried to add more to Savannah, Taylor, and Alex's gear, but I wanted it to fit as best as I could. Enjoy guys!]


I was walking to the Gorilla with Savannah and Taylor for my match against Joey. I put my leather jacket on and walked in silence and in a hurry.

"Alex, don't worry. You'll kick his ass."Taylor said, walking to my right.

I nodded my head. "Do whatever you can and take out those two hooligans, I got Joey."I ordered and stated.

"You sure?"Savannah asked.

"Oh ya." I said, nodding my head as we arrived to the curtain.

My theme played and we walked out, with smiles on our faces and being cocky, but not to cocky, while inside we wanted to just die and hope for the best. We waited in the ring and Kyle came out with his hooligans, giving his notorious smirk and holding his title up victoriously. Savannah and Taylor went to the commentary table because they had to do commentary. Joey entered the ring, while Kyle and Sam were in his corner. The bell rang, Joey and I circled each other. I tackled Joey and hit him in the head repeatedly. I then grabbed him by his hair and threw him into one of the turnbuckles, I then kicked him in the gut repeatedly till the ref counted three. I grabbed Joey by his shoulders and threw him to the ground, he got up, I jumped onto his neck, wrapping me legs around his neck, performing a hurricanrana.

"Go Alex!"Taylor cheered.

I then saw Kyle out of the corner of my eye talking trash to Savannah and Taylor. Joey hit me from behind, and my vision blurred slightly. He got me up then clotheslined me. He then went for the pin, but I kicked out a 2. He dragged me by my hair into the one of the ring post. He went for the 450 splash and I rolled out of the way just in the nick of time. I went for the pin,which was almost to the three count, then someone dragged me out of the ring, which was Kyle. Savannah jumped over the announce table and literally jumped Kyle, punching him in the head repeatedly, then Taylor kicked Sam in the balls. I crawled back into the ring, Joey will still groaning in pain, then I grabbed his legs and put him in the FigureFour leglock. He howled in pain and tapped out. I quickly ran out of the ring towards the ramp with Savannah and Taylor. They held my hands up in victory. I smirked and blew a kiss to Kyle while he was throwing a tantrum in the ring.


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