The Hall Of Fame

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//Guys, from the end of this book is Alex's POV, just letting y'all know.

It was Saturday today was the Hall Of Fame and I was inducting Chyna into the Hall of Fame. WrestleMania Axcess was a very busy week, I had many fans all over the world come to greet me, which made me feel like I had very loyal fans. I had wrote my speech for Chyna and everything, but I was still nervous. I wasn't nervous about the speech or anything I was mainly worried about how tomorrow was the match. I didn't know if I was going to win or not. I hoped and prayed I did, but as long as Kyle didn't walk out with that title, I'm fine. I took a deep breath and got ready for the Hall of Fame. I put on a black pantsuit with black ankle top Converse. I put very little make up on, because I was never a fan of makeup. My dad was wearing a black tux with black dress shoes. 

"You look good." I said with a smile.

"Thanks, daughter. Mind helping me with my tie?" He asked as he held a gold tie in his hands. 

I walked over and began to help him tie his tie.

He looked down at me as I tied his tie. "So, how do you feel?"He asked.

"I'm fine."I replied.

"I mean about tomorrow."He said.

I remained silent. "I might pull an all-nighter knowing my stupid self.."I mumbled to myself.

My dad smiled. "I know what to do to make you fall asleep."He said.

"It doesn't involve the yolk of an egg does it?"I asked fearfully.

He shook his head 'no'.

Once we were done getting ready, we drove to the Hall of Fame ceremony. We picked up Savannah and Taylor on our way to the ceremony.  Once we arrived to the ceremony we were quickly interviewed by Renee Young. 

"Piper and Alex! Can I ask you some quick questions?"She asked.

"You sure can."My dad said with a nod.

"Alex, how do you feel inducting Chyna into the Hall of Fame?"She asked putting the mic close to my mouth.

"Well, I feel honored to induct her. Growing up I idolized her, and inducting your idol from childhood is just an amazing feeling." I explained.

"Alright, Piper, how do you feel that Chyna is being inducted into the Hall of Fame?"She asked, leaning the mic close to my dad's face.

"Well, Chyna is an amazing wrestler. I believe she definitely deserves to be inducted, she has impacted this divison like every other female wrestler has before and after her." He explained with a smile on his face.

"Alright, that is great. Alex, how do you feel going into your match with Kyle, Sam, Joey, Savannah and Taylor tomorrow for the US Championship?"She asked.

"I will admit, Renee. I am nervous, but as long as that brat doesn't walk out with that title I'll be fine."I stated.

"Alright, Alex and Piper thank you so much for your time and enjoy the Hall of Fame!"She exclaimed.

"Thank you." We both thanked, my dad and I went our separate ways because Chyna's induction was first. I went behind the curtain and waited for the show tonight.

A few moments later

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the 2015 Hall of Fame!" Jerry the King Lawler said in a bold voice, kicking the Hall of Fame off like always. "Our first inductee, I believed she showed that women can do almost everything a man can, literally. Let's take a look of what this woman has done."He said. They showed a promo of Chyna, the other Divas and I talking about her, and had her achievements as well. The promo ended and Jerry began to talk again. "And now, ladies and gentlemen,  the dominate, the one and only, Alex Piper." He said.

My theme hit and I came out. I smiled and waved, Jerry gave me a hug and left me alone on the stage.

"What can I say about this woman?"I asked with a chuckle. "This woman, she just changed the game for women in this division, she taught women that they can do things just like a man. How did she show it? She won the Intercontinetal Championship. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Chyna."I said with a smile. 

Her theme came out, she wore a long black dress. She looked as radiant as the sun, she gave me a hug and she delivered her speech.

The rest of the Hall of Fame was amazing, we went back to the hotel at around 11:30 PM. I showered and changed into my pjs. I looked out the window and saw the arena.

"Tomorrow.. Everything changes."


[Welp guys, one more chapter and it's the end. I hope you all enjoyed and thank you all for 5k reads! The last chapter will be SUPER long, so ya lmao, but you all will enjoy it :3!]

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