Downroll Spiral

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{I felt like writing y'all a long chapter kinda. So enjoy, and I'm probably gonna have the last chapter be all about Fergals' last match with Alex, but enjoy. Last chapter meaning like their last match together, then Alex goes buh bye to WWE lol. But enjoy!}
I walked to the back, Fergal pissed me off. He said I didn't know better and all this shit. Which wasn't true because I cared a lot about Fergal, hell, I loved him. I went to Fergals' and I's locker-room and changed into some black gym shorts, a black long sleeved shirt, and a black hoodie. I looked at myself before I left.
"All black everything, should've been Eva's gimmick cause she sucks ass."I said to myself.
I took my bag and headed out of the room and went to Hunter's office.
I ran a hand through my hair, I was worrying about Alex. I didn't mean to be rude. Neither was it ever my intention. I went to my locker room and put a shirt and some shorts on quickly. I left my locker-room and searched for Alex, but I then bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry."I apologized as I looked at the woman.
It was Nikki Bella, she was wearing a really small dress that stopped at her ass.
"Hey Fergal."She said with a smile.
"Do you know where Alex is?"I asked.
"No, why?"
"I need to talk to her."
"Oh, calm down, Fergal,"She said placing a hand on my abs. "You'll find her."
"Don't touch me."I said with a growl.
"I like men that growl. It's so,"she slid her and down my abs and towards my genital area. Then she leaned in and gave me a kiss, a kiss that felt enriching but also deadly.
I was outside Hunter's office, I was about to knock ok his door. I placed my head against the door gently.
"What am I gonna do?"I asked myself. I sighed and slowly turned and went to find Fergal.
I was in-love with him and was bound to give him another chance. After a couple minutes trying to look for him. I found him facing his back towards me.
"Fergal!"I exclaimed with joy, but that joy quickly faded into despair and hatred. He was making out with my enemy, the bitch that almost ended my career. I breathed heavily and began to feel light headed. I felt like my heart literally was torn out of my chest. I felt an ocean of anger come over. I turned Fergal towards him, I pushed him and slapped him and Nikki then put her in an armlock.
"THIS IS FOR ALL MY DREAMS AND EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TAKEN FROME ME!"I yelled at the top of my lungs. Nikki screamed and cried like a child didn't get something at a store. Fergal and others tried to get me off her, but then Hunter came.
"Break it up!"He exclaimed.
I let go of her arm and looked up at him. His face was red with anger and scrunched up. "Home. Now."He told me.
I kept my cool and left the building with my stuff. I threw it in my car and started the engine. I looked at my rear view mirror and lo' and behold, Fergal was chasing me.
"Alex! Wait! I cain explain!"He said.
I ignored him and immediately drove off. As I drove off, I felt tears rolling down my cheek slowly. It felt as if my heart was shattered, that nothing or no one could ever replace.
(I hope you all enjoyed,! I wrote my emotions out in this, so y'all hate Fergal now, huh?)

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