Dinner and Sight-Seeing

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I came back home from trainning at around 3:30 in the afternoon.

"Dad?"I called out as I put my keys in the keybowl next to the door. I saw a letter next to bowl and read it.

Dear Alex,

I need to go to a signing in Las Vegas with your mother and need to do an appearance and all this other shit. We'll be home in two days. Be safe, sweetheart!

Love, Dad

"Maybe, I can invite Fergal to dinner."I thought to myself. I got my phone out went to my messages and texted him.


Alex:Hey, change of plans do you wanna eat dinner at my house? My dad isn't home.

Freak☠❥:Sure, what time?

Alex:Maybe at 7:30?

Freak☠❥:Great, I'll see you then ❤.


I took a nice warm bath, put on a black tank top with a blue fannel, some dark blue skinnys, and some socks. I looked at the fridge, and wondered what to make. I'll make some Fettucini Alfredo and some Caesar salad. I got the ingridents and began to prepare the food.

At 7:00 I finished making dinner and salad, I put my phone on the dock, and put some nice calming music on. Then, the doorbell rang, I went to the door and opened it, and there he was.

Fergal Devitt.

He was wearing a white button up shirt, a black blazer, some dark gray jeans and black dress shoes. God, he looked handsome.

"Well, don't you look nice?"I asked, with a smirk on my face.

He smiled. "Are you gonna invite me or not?"He asked as he leaned in towards my face.

I moved out the way. "Come on in, Prince Devitt."I said welcomingly.

He walked in. "Lovely house, Alex. Oh by the way, I have something for you."He said as he took out a dozen black roses and gave them to me.

My eyes widened. "Thank you, Fergal. How kind."I said as I smiled, and breathed them in. The roses smelled just like him, and I loved it.

"So, what's for dinner?"He asked.

"Salad and Fettucini Alfredo, I hope you like it."I said.

"I'd enjoy anything you make." He said as we walked into the kitchen.

I smiled and got a vase from the cupboard and put the roses in the vase. Time passed by and I enjoyed my dinner with Fergal, we talked about his independent wrestling career, and his childhood.

"Alright, so I've told you about me, now tell me about yourself, Alex."He said, as he drank some BudLight.

"What do you wanna know?"I asked as I looked at him.

"Just a brief childhood, perhaps you and Kyle."He said.

"Well, my childhood was a normal childhood with any kid that had their father or mother in WWE. I rarely saw my dad, Roddy. I hated it, I didn't wanna be a wrestler, but at the same time it fascinated me, everytime I saw my dad in the ring, I so badly wanted to be in the ring. I remember when he was at a house show and I was maybe, eight at the time, he called me down to the ring, and I was his manager, it was fun."I said with a big smile on my face. "As for me and Kyle, well, me and him dated in high school, and for awhile in WWE. He was a good guy, but then he just started being a dick, he didn't seem like he cared and he was just careless, so we broke up, and I don't plan to go back to him."I said, as I looked at Fergal.

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