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One day later


"So he cheated on you with the plastic ass bitch that broke your neck?"Savannah asked as Taylor, her and myself worked out doing cardio on the trendmill.

"Yup.."I said with as I walked on the trendmill faster.

"That nigga dun fuck up!"Savannah exclaimed full of anger.

I nodded my head and smirked.

"He's an idiot for screwing around with that plastic bitch."Taylor said.

"Well, our last match is tonight, and then its off to WWE."I said smiling.

"It'll be good to have you back, boo."Savannah said as we three walked together.



I hit the punching bag.

"Harder!"Kevin exclaimed.

I punched the bag harder than the last time.

"Harder!"Corbin exclaimed.

I growled and hit the bag harder than the last two times.

"HARDER!"Hideo yelled.

I imagined the bag was Kyle, and hit the bag with all my might and ended up punching the bag off the hook and sent it flying.

"Nice!"Corbin exclaimed as he patted me on the back.

"Thanks man."I said as I got my towel and dried the sweat of my brows.

"So, how are you and Alex?"Kevin asked.

I paused and just nodded my head. "Remember she saw Nikki and I?"

"Has she forgiven you?"He asked.

"No, she hasn't even answered any of my texts."

"Sorry bro."Corbin apologized, as he patted my back.

"Corbin!"We heard a girl exclaim. I look and saw Corbin's girlfriend. Jade Polinsky, she was Corey's younger sister and was one of Alex's childhood friends. She was about 5'8, had blonde hair that was in a mohawk, some sleeve tattoos, 8" gauges,had slightly tannish skin, and was 27 years old. Her ring name was Hardcore DJ.

"There's my beautiful girl."Corbin said with a smirk, as he ran to her, picked her up and swung her in his arms.

"Hey Hideo, Kevin,"She said with a smile, then when she looked at me her smile turned into a frown. "Fergal."She said with a nod.

I sighed. "Don't tell me you're pissed too?"I asked.

"Well, considering the fact that you kissed a plastic ass bitch, who broke the so called girl he 'loved' neck? Yea, you totally love her, Fergal."Jade said rudely.

I sighed. "Whatever. I'll see you all tonight."I said, as I grabbed my stuff and headed home.

That night


I put a Finn Balor cut out shirt on, and some black teared skinny jeans, and red ankle top Converse with black laces. I combed my hair in the mirror and did my part to add more bangs to the right of my hair. I sighed. Then I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?"I asked.

"It's me."I heard him say.

It was Fergal. I sighed and slowly opened the door for him half way. "Yes?"I asked.

"Our match is almost on. You ready?"He asked.

I opened the door, closed it and followed Fergal to the gorilla. On our way to the gorilla it was silent, no one spoke a word, only a knife could break the silence. We made our way to the gorilla and waited patiently for Fergal's music to hit. Tonight he was going against his best friend. Hideo Itami.

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