First Match

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"Todays the day." I thought to myself. The day Alex will begin to manage me. I was nervous, because of the conversation her and I had the other day. I felt bad for offending her, she was a fantastic girl, and I don't think it was right to be rude to her. I sighed, picked my phone up, and texted Hunter.


Finn:Hey Hunter, may I ask you a favor?

Hunter:Whats up, kid?

Finn:Can you give me Alex's number, since her being my manager and all.



He gave me her number and I made her a contact.


Finn:Hey, Alex.

Alex❤😘:Who is this??

Finn:Its Fergal.

Alex❤😘:Oh, hey.

Finn:Not that excited to see me, huh?

Alex❤😘:Well after our last conversation, no.

Finn:I'm sorry, Alex.

Alex❤️😘:It's fine, so I'll see you tonight NXT?

Finn:Yea, I'll see ya there, darling😘.

Alex:Don't be too flirty, Mr.Devitt~

Finn:I'll see you, Miss Alex😘❤️.

I smiled, Alex was literally beyond perfection. I'd do anything to make her mine. I got ready for NXT and I drove to the performance center, eagerly waiting to be walked out by Alex.

I was sitting on one of the crates backstage, I was waiting for Fergal to exit out of the locker-room. Our match was very soon, and I really wanted to show Hunter that I could do this, and get my title shot at WrestleMania.
I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Fergal wearing his Finn Bálor t-shirt that showed off his pecks, his red wrestling trunks, oh my Lord, don't get me started on the trunks.
"How do I look?"He asked.
"Hot as fuck." I thought to myself. "You look good, Devitt."I said.
"Just good?"He asked, as he leaned in towards me.
"Well, you look handsome."I said, trying my hardest not to blush in-front of him. While Fergal was leaning into me, I smelled his cologne, and he smelled heavenly.
Fergal looked at me. "Ready to go?"He asked.
"Yea."I said, straightening my posture, looking at his green eyes.
He smiled, and picked me up by my hips and put me down.
"Wait was that for?"I asked.
"Just wanted to lend a helping hand."He said with a smile.
"I'm not that short, Devitt."I said.
We walked towards the entrance, Fergal did his entrance and I followed. I heard all the girls scream for him. I'm surprised no girl, jumped over the barricade and tackled him. Fergal was going up against Tyler Breeze, the gay-ass of WWE. I never understood what people saw in Tylee Breeze, he was a child stuck in a man's body.
The match started and Tyler began to dominate Fergal. I worried, and tried distracting Tyler, but it wasn't working. Tyler hit his finisher, I immediately jumped on the apron and screamed.
"Hey! Faggot!"I screamed.
Tyler got off of Fergal and came towards me.
"Don't be talking you stupid Uggo."He snapped.
"You're the stupid uggo, you fag!"I screamed.
Enraged Tyler began to choke me and I dangled in the air, then Fergal came to my aid, and punched Tyler in the back. I fell on the floor, hard that the air was sucked out of me. Fergal went on the top rope and performed the Diving Double Foot Stomp, he pinned Tyler.
"1..2..3!"The ref counted, the bell rang, and I still laid on the floor.
"Here's your winner.. FINN BÁLOR!"Jojo exclaimed.
I tried getting up, but Fergal came to help me, he picked me up and carried me towards the back.
"Thanks for the win, Alex."He thanked me.
"Told you I can manage."I said.

Thank y'all for the votes, comments and everything. If I do short chapters I'm sorry. I really want this story to be long, and I write this on my phone and its hard writing a four to six page chapter on your phone. But thanks everyone!

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