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I walked backstage with the biggest smirk on my face. My people congratulated me and patted me on the back and such. I began to walk to my locker-room to calm down and shower.

"Alex!"I heard someone call me.

I spun on my heel and saw Savannah, Taylor, and Jade coming towards me. All three of them tackled me and literally almost killed me, but I survived.

"I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!"Savannah screamed.

"Thank you, now can you all get off me!"I said as we laughed. They got off me and helped me back up.

"I loved how you beat his bitch ass up!"Taylor exclaimed.

"Thank you."I said with a smile.

"Well, well."We heard someone say. I turned and there he was.


I began to breath fast and a flash of heat came over me. "Thanks, but no thanks, Fergal." I said with a somewhat cocky attitude.

"You did great."He said.

I hated him being so nice to me, and I didn't wanna be nice to him because he broke my heart. "Thanks, Balor."

"Nice job, Alex."Someone told me and put an arm on my shoulder.

I turned and saw Hunter. "Thanks, Hunter."

"I'm being serious you did a fantastic job out there."He said with a grin on his face.

Out of the corner of my eye and I saw Kyle, Sam and Joey. Kyle was holding an icepack on his cheek so was Sam, and Joey was walking awkward.

"Kyle! Come here."Hunter called to him.

"Oh great, here comes this lil fucker." I thought to myself.

Kyle slowly came over and smirked at me. "Hey there, Piper."

I rolled my eyes. "Did I kick you in the head that hard?"

"Oh c'mon, babe." He complained, putting a hand on my waist.

Immediately I grabbed his hand and took it off my waist. "Touch me again and I'll kick your brains out."I said with a growl.

He laughed. "Try me."He said giving me a cocky smirk.

"Hey, calm down you two, save it for the ring. Anyway, you guys are scheduled for a smackdown taping. I'll explain the details tomorrow." With that Hunter left.

"See ya around, babe."Kyle said, giving a wink, he cupped my chin up, and I bit him. He got slightly afraid and walked away from me.


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