Special Ref

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I woke up at 5:00 AM, today was da day I was goin' against my friend Kevin Owens who held da NXT title. Kevin was an amazing wrestler, and destroyed all who challenged him, but he's going against the demon, Finn Balor.
I put on a black long-sleeved Champion shirt, black basketball shorts and black running shoes. I left my apartment and went out for a morning jog.
I jogged around the neighborhood, to get at least a good work out in for my match.
I returned to my apartment at around 6:45 AM. I was sweaty, so I took a nice hot shower. I put on an black basket ball shorts and a muscle tee, and got my ring gear. I was going to be painted today and my paint takes tree to four hours so I had to be der early as well.
I hopped into my car and drove to the performance center. I arrived and I got settled in me locker-room. I turned the tv on and a replay of RAW was on, I saw Alex and this boy in the ring kissing, I ignored it, it was acting, that's all. I took my shirt off, then my phone buzzed. I checked it and Alex texted me.
Alex😍😍😌❤️: So your match for the NXT Title is tonight, huh?
Fergal: Yes ma'am. Why do you ask?
Alex😍😍😌❤️: I might watch it tonight😌. Good luck!
Fergal: Thank you😌.
I put my phone on the couch and I looked at meself in da mirror. Then a knock on the door came.
"Who is it?"I asked.
"It's me."He said as he entered the room, it was my boss William Regal.
I turned and shook his hand.
"So you excited for your match tonight?"He asked.
"Yes 'sir."I responded with confidence.
"Splendid. However, I must inform you of something." He said as he walked around my room, hands behind his back as a proper English man would. "You are aware of the US title on the main roster, correct?"He asked.
"Yes 'sir."I answered looking at him.
"Hunter and Steph have informed me that they will be teams. Teams meaning Team McMahon and Team Piper at WrestleMania, they're going to extend it to NXT, so that's what I came to ask you, Balor. Will you be Team McMahon or Team Piper?"He asked.
"Is their a catch?"I asked.
"Losers are the winners slaves from two to three weeks tops, the winners have a title shot at any title they wish."He said.
"Team Piper."I told him.
"Good choice."He said with a nod and patted me on the back and left. "Also, your painter will be here in a moment."He said as he left.

I drove to the NXT performance center, I wanted to talk to Regal about being the special ref in Fergal's match.
I arrived to the performance center and looked for Regal's office. I called Hunter on my phone as I searched for Regal's office.
"Hello?"Hunter asked.
"Hunter! Hey it's me Alex."
"Hey kid, what's up?"
"I have a favor to ask. Well two actually."
"What's the favor?"
"Okay, first off can I be the special ref in the Kevin Owens vs Finn Balor match tonight?"
"I wanna be the ref Hunter. You've seen me before, Hunter. Please."I begged.
"Thanks! Now the other favor, where the hell is Regal's office?!"I asked.
"West wing, left side, second door."
"Thanks!"I said hanging up the phone. I went to the west wing, and practically kicked down the second door. "Regal!"I half yelled.
"What the bloody hell do you-" He stopped yelling when he saw me. "Piper, hello. How may I help you?"He asked in a calm collected voice.
"I wanna be the special ref for the Kevin Owens vs Finn Balor match tonight."I said as I put my hands on his desk.
"I don't know, Piper.."He said, running a hand through his hair.
"I asked Hunter if that makes you feel better."
"And? What did he say?"He asked, relaxing in his seat.
"He said yes. So can I?"
"I suppose. The match starts at 8:30 PM." He said, putting his hand in his face.
"Thank you sir! I'll be back!"I said as I rushed out of the office.


I went to my room. I put on a black tank with a red rose, that looked like blood dripping, black jeans that had some strings hanging on the sides, knee high black Converse with red laces, and studded bracelets on each wrist. I packed a change of clothes and drove to the performance center, 8:20 PM, perfect. I put my stuff in Regal's office, hoping he wouldn't mind, I then made my way to the gorilla, I saw Tyler Breeze walking backstage with his phone, I snatched it 8:32. I freaked. I grabbed his by his stupid feathered jacket. "When does the NXT Title start?!" I yelled in his face.
"Right now! Owens made his entrance!"He exclaimed.
I dropped Tyler and ran to the gorilla. Regal was there.
"Right on time! Now go!"He pushed me to the certain.
I took a deep breath. My theme played and I unleashed my inner wolf. I smiled and walked out.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, your special ref for this match. ALEXXX PIPERRRR!"Jojo announced.
I waved to Fergal and he stood there shocked. I slapped some of the fans hands and and I slipped into the ring. I nodded to Kevin.
"This contest is scheduled for onefall and is for the NXT Championship!"
"First, weighing in at pounds, from Canada, KEVINNN OWENSSS!"Jojo announced as Kevin held his title up, proudly.
"The challenger, weighing in at pounds, from Bray, Ireland, FINN BALORR!"She announced.
I went to Kevin. He handed me his title, I held it over my head and gave it to Jojo. I nodded my head and the bell rang starting the match. Immediately Fergal and Kevin began to punch each other in the head, viciously. I bit my lip as I saw Fergal being punched in the head repeatedly. Kevin grabbed Fergal and hit him against the mat. I bent down to Fergal. "You okay?"I asked.
He didn't answer and Kevin kicked him in the stomach. I growled and I pushes Kevin away from Fergal.
"Calm your damn self!"I yelled at Kevin.
"What are you gonna do about it, huh?" What are you gonna do?!"He asked as he yelled at me in my face.
I turned my head away and I slapped him as hard as I could. "I'm the ref! You play by my rules!" I yelled. He smirked, then Fergal came out of no where and tackled Kevin. Fergal got on top of Kevin and began to punch him in the head repeatedly, he climbed the top rope and was going to perform the diving double footstomp. The crowd was cheering and was going nuts. Kevin reversed Fergal's foot stomp, he rolled out of the way and Fergal landed on the mat. Kevin walked towards him but Fergal gave him a pele kick. Fergal went for the pin and I counted.
Kevin kicked out and the crowd groaned. Fergal thought it was three and I told him it was two. He looked at me and I looked down at my feet.
"Alex.."He called me and looked into my eyes.
I bit my lip and got up. Kevin got Fergal and suplexed him and slammed him as hard as he could, Fergal laid on the ground in pain. I so badly wanted to stop the match, I had the power, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't ruin Fergal's dream. Kevin threw Fergal out of the ring, he carried him up to the ramp and to the announce table. I followed in pursuit, Kevin and Fergal got on the table. Kevin held his face and laughed.
"No!" I screamed. "Owens don't you dare slam him into that table!"I yelled.
His cold eyes looked at me and he gave me a sinister smirk. "Make me!"He yelled back. He held Fergal up on his shoulder, and powerbombed him into the table. I fell on my knees on the ramp, while I saw Kevin stand victorious while the fans booed. Regal came out and I got up. He ran towards me and yelled "Stop the bloody match!"
I obeyed and I ordered one of the men to ring the bell.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this match, and still the NXT Champion, KEVINN OWENSS."Jojo announced.
I shook my head and sniffed, trying to suppress my tears. I ran and bent down to Fergal who was buried in equipment. I held his cheek and called to him. "Fergal!"
Doctors came out and took him to the medical room, I wasn't allowed to go in. I waited outside the room, hopping for good news. I changed into black basket ball shorts, a dark navy blue long sleeved shirt and black ankle top Converse with my black hoodie with angel wings on the back.
I saw the doctor walk out and I quickly ran to him.
"Doc, will Fergal be okay?"I asked.
He nodded. "He'll be fine, just tell his room-mates to make sure he doesn't wrestle for a week tops and make sure he gets plenty of rest."
"Yes 'sir."
The doc left and I sank down to the floor of the door and I put my head and my hands and stayed silent.
[NUUU FINNEH MAH BABY!! Anyway, the next chapter will be perfect, so I hope you all enjoy💕!]

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