Fergal's Meeting

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I saw Alex leave and I was angry at myself, I didn't have the balls to tell her what happened and how I felt. When I saw her leave I put my head into my hands and just shook my head trying to figure out what to do next.

"Fergal."I heard someone call my name.

I looked up and saw Hunter, he lifted his hand and bent a finger, gesturing me to come to him.

I slowly got up out of the chair and followed him. I sat in the office with Vince,Steph, him and his lil' son of a bitch child, Kyle.

"Fergal. Sit."Vince told me, with a big grin on his face.

I sat down a seat away from Kyle, put my hands on the table and looked at him. "Yes sir?"I asked.

"Since, Alex is leaving, tomorrow will be your last match with her, then you will have a shot to win the NXT Championship, and we might have you go home with it that night."Hunter said with a smirk.

"Thank you Hunter, it means a lot to me."I said with a smile.

They talked about how I should act because I would be the face of NXT, but I didn't pay attention all I could think about was Alex.


SO SAD THEIR LAST MATCH IS THE NEXT DAY. TEAR. I will update this probably with in the hour or by the end of the night. Thank you all for everything!

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