Doubt on sexuality

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Wrath or anger- one of the seven sins, which are execute by humans without their knowledge and apprehension. It should be pull off wisely or could leads to ultimate doom. Stories of people's doom were very well-known and tell-tale, to warn others not to repeat the same.

Before setting foot in dangerous gang life, Taehyung tried to manage his anger which was hard to control since his childhood but he was proud to say that his brothers had supported him in his painful journey. Controlling his anger was never possible for Taehyung. Since his parent's death, he had mask his very emotion but anger was the only one which maximize alongside his growth. But every beast gets his beauty, every Joker get his Harley Quinn- just like how Taehyung gets his Y/n who was able to tame his inner beast without even doing anything. She only have to bless him with her side profile and he would met like a little shit- I mean puddle.

That's why, he was taking deep breathe to calm himself with his anger-controlling squad behind even if he was close to snatch Darla's wig off.

He was not someone you want to mess with. Everyone know about this and who didn't knew 'his loss'. The news about the mysterious girlfriend of  V spread like fire and along with came the threat to dare touch her. Darla or Carla, the vicious Mafia leader doesn't care. She's under him, works for him and he had not given her any exclusive rights except his brothers, his girl and Lady Maria because damn that old women had mastered the art of whooping ass.

In his unending fury, Taehyung marched like a wounded tiger and stood in front of trembling girl. The boys felt pity for the girl but the scene happened just a second ago made them stone for her pleading gaze as no one mess with their Y/n.

"Care to explain what did you just do to Y/n?" It took him several calm breaths to compose himself and muttering the question and not bang his forehead on Darla's head and sending her into coma.

"No offense boss but i-i dont see why would this be any of your business" The girl muttered obliviously making the boys behind Tae shake their head in denial. They knew the girl was smart then why the hell is she acting like a lunatic.

"I was watching your not so subtle behaviour these past days. At first I thought that maybe I was imagining things but no you were doing that intentionally. Pushing Y/n around, interrogating her, belittling her. How dare-" he go off.

"Uh?" she huffed unintelligibly.

"Don't give me that attitude Darla"

"But you are  the one talking shit boss"

Collective gasps were heard because of the disrespect but Tae didn't payed them any attention, choosing to intimated the girl with his danger deep eyes. 'Hah! this little girl thinks that she is some hotshot, just because she's working for me she got any right over me, just because I let her live in mansion she thought she can threatened my family' he thought.

"You should not have meddle in my love life. You have made your chance years ago and I calmly rejected you-"

"Oh! wait wait wait? What? Come again"

"You think that you can threatened my girl and make her leave this mansion"

"What even in the seven hell you are talking about?"

"I am not finished yet. How can you make her cry? Just because you like me doesn't mea-"

"HAHAHAHAHA" Darla had the audacity to laugh on his face and deny the truth.

Gangsta's crush  ( Taehyung And Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now