His Feelings

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Wind blowing in a mild pace moving the twigs slightly, rustling of dead leaves crunching beneath the shoes giving off a pleasant vibe. Moonlight shone its rays on the asphalt path illuminating the dark roadways.

Traffic was less as it was almost midnight. The surroundings were more quiet than usual or maybe it seems to only those who were walking beside each other after the sudden requested to walk her home. 

Silence blanket their small bubble cozily, conversations were kept at bay, only the soft sound of breathing and serene nature were audible. They didn't utter a single word since they started walking as any conversation didn't appear significant now as the silence between them spoke thousand words.

Y/N's queries about his sudden disappearance was still on hold but what really matter now was that he's is safe and sound beside her. She is content with it.

After some blocks away from the cafe, a sudden awkwardness ruin their calm state. They acted like some gauche who are in the presence of their crush. Both didn't know what to say or do as to break the peaceful silence was the last thing they would want to do.

So Taehyung hesitantly held her soft hands in his rough one and caged them in his firm hold which he had seen in romantic movies. Any one would assume it as some bold move from his behalf but the bashful redness on his cheeks exposes his shyness. Fortunately Y/n didn't saw his prominent blush as she was too busy in hiding her own due to his 'so called bold act'. 

Though she didn't leave his hands instead slide her fingers in his own where they fitted like a jigsaw puzzle. Her small hand in his big one gives a sense of accomplishment to Taehyung's heart. He became more happy from her romantic gestures and his boxy smile couldn't help but to appear on its fullest. He could feel the soft feather's like hand of hers touching his palm. He wish for this movement to last long forever but his prayers were unheard as the journey towards her home suddenly seems too shortened as her house came into their view.

Just after some steps away, their beautiful journey will came to its end. They both collectively sigh together in disappointment not wanting to end their cute romantic moment.

When they reach at her porch, Tae knew that it's the time for him to leave but for some reason, he felt too pressured to free her hand. Very slowly and hesitantly their hands release each other's tight hold and came to rest on their own side where they seem more foreign. He was just turning back while muttering a small 'good night' when she hugged him tightly with her arms closing the slightest gap between them.

She has unexpectedly hugged him twice but still it wasn't easy for tae to feel casual about it. The hug was more of a way to say goodbye but he could feel her hidden intentions behind it. And that was his final straw.

Taehyung had never shed tears once he grown up and saw the real world but today he couldn't control those drops of emotions which poured out from his puffed eyes. Already red nose became a prominent scarlet due to excessive sniffing. His strong and stone facade melted from her warm touch. He was never cared like this by anyone, sure his gang members took care of him like a younger sibling but it was completely different.

 In the embrace of your love life feels different like he is in cloud nine and finally at home after a long journey. Even after leaving her alone for whole day without any text , she still care about him without scolding or getting angry at him for being irresponsible. She didn't question about his sudden disappearance and obligated his absurd request and even now she is silently telling him to take care by hugging.

How can anyone be mad at his sweet girl? He is already regretting that ignorant behaviour of him towards her since morning.

The old man's story was about them being lovers at one time but as for Taehyung - his story was everything except a love one. How can he get mad at her when he hadn't even proposed or showed his feelings? He know for a fact that she is single and never let anyone to take advantage of her innocence, so she can show affection towards anyone. He should man up and try to understand the situation. Maybe that man was her brother, cousin or some friend.

He can be possessive as much as he wants but he knows that Y/N wouldn't like him acting like a psycho or obsessive. He wanted to earn her love not just lock her away from her life. If she accepts him one day or rejects him depends upon his tries and he would willingly wait for her till his last breathe.

He wants to be someone whom she can depend on, whom she can call home, where she can rest a while when got tired not a possessive, manipulated man who will snatch her freedom and throw her in lifetime cell whom she just want to get away. He would change himself completely for her.

From today, he promised his deceased parents that he'll try to be a perfect man for his love.

She broke the long hug and then suddenly looks at ground in shyness. 

"What are you doing here love? " A manly voice asked from behind them. Hearing a stranger's voice they both turned to look at the person and in cue Y/n immediately skip her way towards the unknown man happily and held his arms in her soft hold.

Taehyung scrutinize his eyes for a better view, immediate shock registered his mind when he realizes who the person was.

He is that man whom y/n hugged and kissed on his cheeks. Anger flowed in his blood streams watching his love to side hugging that unknown man. He couldn't believe that this man had the audacity to call his Y/n - love. He watched her in arms of another person with distress. He helplessly stood still in his place watching his love life crumbles in front of him.

Whereas the unknown man wasn't a child to not know about the look in Taehyung's eyes. His mind was filled with many questions and queries about the handsome young man whom his Y/N was hugging just a moments ago.

He quickly throw sharp daggers from his eyes towards Tae which were swiftly douche by the latter . Both men have the unspoken tension between them which made the surroundings stale but y/n was too oblivious of that. Instead she appeared more cheerful than usual at the sight of the unknown man much to Tae's dismay.

Then her words just adds to his former state of shock.

" I wanted to introduce you two as soon as possible but i never got the chance. Now it's the perfect time Taehyung this is my...

Yes i'll leave you at the cliffhanger. so cruel of me 😏

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