The Call

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"Hello, who's this?" I asked casually.

"Oh, did you forget about me? I am really upset" the voice that haunts me in my dream speaks.

(Third person pov)

"Y-y/n?" he enquires not believing that she's the one who called. In his mind, he was still grieving that she had made a phone call for someone special. His mind was not believing, refusing that the someone special was him.

"Yes, it's me Y/n. How are you?" she asked in a soft breathy voice like sighing a lot in relief. Upon the confirmation that she's really his babygorl, his heart leaped thousands miles away.

"I am god. How are you?" He asked in broken English, wanting to impress his crush.

While in background, the other members were eavesdropping V's conversation and currently were grabbing Namjoon and locking his limbs who was wailing and crying over the brutal grammer's murder, his leader had done without realising. And trying to shout the correct word - that it's good not god.

"I am fine too. I am really lucky to be surrounded by these nice people. They treat me real good like a family member" she briefed him about the new life and people and he was feeling proud that she's enjoying her time here. And mentally appreciate his brothers who are the best thing in his life, who even made his crush comfortable in this house.

"You must really like that place that you even forget about m-" he tries to tease and rile her up.

"I missed you!," she confessed and sighed in contentment after telling her feeling and felt like a heavy burden lifted from her heart.

"Wh-what?" he dumbly muttered not believing his ears. Was he listening correctly? Jin takes care of Jungkook's health and ears well, he should too, go under his wings for better care.

"I missed you a lot. I wanted to hear your voice, afraid that I would probably forget how it sounds. I want to see your face bad, really really bad" she continued pouring out her feelings and he was sure that he was on cloud nine and that stupid smile of his was enough to tell the others who were sneakily listening to his conversation that his conversion was going really smooth.

"Oh! look at that smile" Jungkook exclaimed looking astonished at the full blown boxy smile of his hyung and the red cheeks which could compete with apples anytime.

It appears ridiculous to them that he was sad and whining a while ago and now was on the edge of fainting because of smiling too much. They had guessed (Namjoon connected the dots) that the person on the other line must have to be Y/n.

"Taetae? Are you still there? Tae" she asked after not hearing any voice from the other side thinking that maybe she came off too strong or boldly pour her feelings that scared him. Did he find her boring?

"Y-yeah a-ahh. I missed you a lot too. I just want to hug you real bad, cherish your cute red face, blushing mess, and beautiful eyes which reflect my face. I want to hear you in person to get lost in honey dip voice which always takes me to dreamland. Bab-. I-i mean I missed you a lot" he finished his blabbering not wanting her to get any wrong idea or come off as a pervert but he almost slips there.

"Ahh I get it. Don't worry," she assured chuckling over his cute rambling.

"So," she asked after finishing her giggles.

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