BTS- Behind the scene

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^See the above picture and blush.

Words in Italics are flashbacks. Except some jokes obviously. This chapter could be confusing, feel free to ask questions. Enjoy💜

"These children never learns. I told them hundred time, to not play in dining table" Lady Maria scolded the fallen boys whilst helping them passive aggressively. Okay, she was shocked too from Y/n's statement but it would be more shocking if she was tricked by boys' cheap acting.

The two maids were snickering at their expense but a glare from the old lady stop their ministrations and they left with sulking faces.

"Huh? Am I hearing right? You knew the truth since forever and watching us making fool of ourselves." Taehyung asked petrified. He was so confident in his acting and thinking about joining Hollywood. There goes his dreams.

"Actually I knew it from the start, that's why I waste my time in joining you fools" Jin puffed out his chest but his red ears gave away his nervousness.

Oh! Namjoon was so ready to expose the living alpaca parka....




"He is lyiNNNNNNNG" Namjoon's plan to snitch ruined when he screamed like a drunk cow.

"What happened Joon hyung?" Jimin asked worrying for the giant man.

"ANT. Some ant is high af, biting me here and theRRRREEEE"

"You were saying something        Y/n-ah" Yoongi kindly ignored Namjoon tears of pain and focused on the important matter.

"Actually I had recognized him when I first laid my eyes on him but y'all insisted that he was not Taehyung, so I stop pestering but still had some doubts. How can I be wrong in identifying my crush? I can even know Tae by his veins on hands"

"I-i am your crush?"

'Yeah this bitch only heard that' The boys' thought.

"You were my crush, now we are definitely more than that. And why are you so shocked? Have you looked in the mirror? You look like a Greek god. Symmetrical face, cute boopable nose, deep ocean eyes matching deep ass voice, boxy smile so perfect that will force you to smile along, sculpted body threatening Apollo's position, collarbones peeking out of your lower vest teasing, making me drool. Strong veined arms, I am so ready to get manhandled, chest so ripped that- " Yeah they really lost her.

She was cut off from her dreams by a possessive Tae who sneakily grabbed her thighs, under the table and squeeze it softly as warning to not push him. He can't promise if he could control himself anymore when the girl of his dreams was appreciating his every features.

"What happened Y/n-ah?" Hobi asked worried for the girl who let out a sudden whimper.

"Nothing! Just an ant. A very touchy ant"

"We were in the middle of questions so if that ant can kindly keep his hands to himself, it will be appreciated" Jin shamelessly forgets that previously he was the same ant but still had the audacity to warn noticing the lewd expressions of Taehyung.

Gangsta's crush  ( Taehyung And Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now