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The dimmed lights of mansion unintentionally created a dark gloomy atmosphere. Everyone  was quiet which rarely happened in the said house. Occasional hushed sound of television played in the background.

Pleasant light pitter patter of raindrops changed into monstrous loud thumbing of heavy droplets confirming a bad weather outside. Rumbles of thunder echos one after another , successfully terrifying all the young men present in the premise.

Jin and Namjoon both instantly get off the couch to close the mansion's big oak front door to block the cold air which was whirling inside the house. But suddenly they halt on their footsteps in shock and quietly called the other members to double check the scene ahead of them.

It takes some minutes for all of them to stood from their respective sitting places, grunting slightly for unexpected summon and come in front of the two to see the root of commotion. 

Apparently the scene before them made them speechless, draining all the blood from their faces and creating a pin drop silence in the mansion.

They all stood wide eyed with thumping heartbeat watching closely the unknown silhouette of a person who was slightly visible due to the lightning crackling outside, wetting the marble floor from its drained clothes. The anonymous dark figure stood silently on the entrance scaring the bangtan members with its bluff and tall figure.

It didn't help much when there was a horror movie scene playing on the background which they were watching a few moments ago, the actress constant shrills terrifying them resulting in covering and hiding themselves behind Jin's wide shoulders.

The dark figure hadn't said anything since its sudden appearance, it stood mutely, mocking them with its haunted look daring them to come forward and unveil his mystery. 

What surprise them was that none of the security had caught this man who was lurking in their territory and arrived from main door arising questions and confirming its supernatural self as he succeed to not get caught from their tight security and surveillance.

" JIMIN " that unknown figure roared in his loud, obnoxious voice scaring them.

Namjoon tripped over air and fall down taking Yoongi with him from the unexpected deep voice resulting in him to get few curses from the latter.

Jimin is the most silent one as his name was called out from the anonymous, he ponder in his mind whether to answer the dark figure's call or flee from there . He is afraid to the core but didn't voice out his distress not wanting to appear as a coward in front of the other members especially before cheeky Jungkook. He is shaking like a leaf and his bladder was tempting for a release due to the high stress and pressure.

If it had been delayed for another second then surely he would have peed himself in his pants then and there and became a laughing stock for his entire lifetime.

Fortunately or alas , the anonymous came forward taking a long step by its long legs and get slightly illuminated from the light of living room.

All members released a breathe of relief ,which they had held unknowingly, upon seeing the figure disheveled state. Their cowering figures straightened back again with the revelation. Namjoon loosen his tight grip from Yoongi's sweatshirt whereas Jin releases a long breathe and toss the refugee members from his backside. Their faces which were slightly red because of not breathing for a long time came back to their real healthy colour.

The figure which had shaken them was none other than Taehyung in his godly form despite his disarray condition.

Droplets of water were trickling from his dark black hairs, his stylish but casual clothes were now totally drained from rain stained with some dirt on his pants. They would have scolded him for scaring them if not for a unknown emotion displaying on his face.

Taehyung's face was blank, eyebrows still not showing any frown, his lips were pursed in a thin line and eyes showing no emotions. If it was anyone else then they couldn't decipher his expressions but living together for a long time had made them to easily decode his blank face which shows nothing but fury at the moment. He was like a ticking bomb which will blast upon his victim of the day. The main question was - Who is going to face his fury?

There were no consignments due till another week and none of their enemies had made any move to provoke them so why was Taehyung giving them a bone chilling look. Then it click their mind one by one like dominos that he was screaming Jimin's name just a moment ago. Thus today will the last day of poor Jimin in this mortal realm. 

Jin was already deciding a venue for his funeral whereas Jungkook was happy that he will automatically get Jimin's games collection after his premature death. Yoongi wasn't interest, just a bit glad that there will be less noise in the mansion tomorrow. Namjoon was busy in connecting two and two together to find the reason of Tae's anger but found none. Hoseok who was the last to realize that Tae's anger wasn't direct towards him did a small victory dance in return.

" Jimin, you were the one that brought Y/n's detailed file to me right? " Taehyung asked in his menacing tone which drains the blood from Jimin's already paled face. Rest of the members left the scene and sat back in couches focusing again on the horror movie leaving behind a restless and pleading Jimin.

" Y-yes what about it? " Jimin asked softly who had a confused face not knowing where this interrogation was going.

" That file was very detailed wasn't it?" he mockingly asked taking a step closer towards Jimin who in return took a step back dangerously close to the couch.

" Y-yeah" he sprouted in return looking back for someone to save his poor ass but everyone was busy in watching the actress dumb self who is constantly asking at midnight if there is anyone else in the house beside her , like someone would tell her. Duh!

" That why didn't i get any picture of Y/N's brother in that file " Tae asked now straightforwardly and step more closer to the scared Cheshire cat almost daring him to say anything wrong.

" Oh that... maybe i forgot" he replied nonchalantly not realizing his gore mistake yet.

He still remembers that day as clear as his face - he was too busy in chatting on social networking site with his friend whom he had a crush for a long time and was courting her so he winded up Y/n's file as quickly as possible and forgets to attached her brother's photo - which has been long forgotten in his one of the cabinet rotting in the dark place of drawers.

" You forget? Ahh forget... Hmm yes anyone can forget right. Humans tend to forget small thing. . So our little Jiminie forgot that small detail. Isn't it? " he rapped the words like some dope song and got more closer invading Jimin's personal space resulting in the latter to fall down on the couch on his ass cowering in fear.

" Ahh yes and it was really a small matter that's why i forgot" he agreed with Tae's statement thinking that maybe his boss might have understood his situation and ignored his silly mistake which was far from the reality.

Jimin still had the audacity to sheepishly smile despite his unfavourable situation which was the last stroke for Tae. And he unleash the monster within him and roared like a true lion.

" IT WAS A SMALL DETAIL? SMALL LIKE YOUR HEIGHT? IT COST ME MORE DAMAGE, YOU IGNORANT FOOL! I BEHAVED LIKE A DRUNKARD , GLARED AT Y/N'S BROTHER ASSUMING HIM AS HER LOVER. THEN ALMOST BECAME A MAID FOR HIM. AND IT WAS A SMALL DETAIL FOR YOU? " he scream on top of his lungs , face painted in scarlet exposing his immense anger, spitting saliva with every single words on Jimin's face.

He leaped forward to grab his long neck wanting to choke him till he realizes his big mistake.  

But before he could actual trap his prey, Jimin quickly fled from the couch, sprinting on his short legs running away from the madman who was quick to follow. They were running round in round across the whole living room like tom and Jerry

Munching on popcorn and snacks , rest of the members completely ignored the commotion behind them which could anytime became a blood-bathed scene , muting all sounds watching intensely the actress' dumb act to follow the ghostly screams instead of running away from the horrific dark basement. 

Love y'all ❤❤❤
-by couch potato

Gangsta's crush  ( Taehyung And Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now