Old but Gold

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"Once I was also young and much desirable man in girl's eyes. Being in sports, i was admired by everyone including the teachers. I had every female's attention but my heart only raced for a simple yet gorgeous girl. I was one of the popular kid in our university back then whereas she was an ordinary beauty."

" I got bewitch by her charms of simplicity and intelligence. She grab my focus without doing anything. I instantly became a lovesick puppy who'd do anything to get notice by her. I was once a headache for her who would just follow her around but soon it changed into something else"

We both became each other's first love resulting in a true romance to bloom at its fullest. We would share every secrets and moments in each other's embrace. We were each other's first in everything – first hug, first one to hold hands, first kiss and vice versa." Luke narrates his story with dreamy eyes like he is reminiscing every moments of past which still have a sweet touch of his love."

"Fast forward please" Taehyung couldn't help but request while covering his loud yawn by his right hand. He wanted to give his full attention to the old man's story like a keen listener but he can't help but lost in boredom as how cliche Luke's words sound."

Grandpa Luke huffed in annoyance from the complaints and interruptions of young lad. He had already shortened his story to its half, what more does he want? Dismissing his interference, he continued

"But I misunderstand something and lose her. I misinterpreted the situation and censure the truth. She was being harassed by a senior in front of me. And in rage and mistrust, I didn't believe her instead I blame her for cheating on me in front of all other students. She tried to tell me that the former kiss was void of consent, that he forcefully tried to take advantage of her. But I didn't hear her reasons and left the premises leaving behind my sobbing and yelling girl."

"Later I got to know that she also came to my house to explain herself but I was at some bar just like you- being total wasted. I wasn't in a right mind and feared that i would cause some serious harm to her that's why i isolated myself from everyone including my friends."

"After a week, I got some courage to face her but it was already too late. She quit the university and moved to another country leaving behind her studies and a broken me. I got to know the truth on same day when some boys including my friends were gossiping and crackling jokes around about the spicy hot topic. They were talking about how they bullied my love for several weeks and that senior had been misbehaving with her and finally was able to kiss her without her permission, taken advantage of her and bragged it about how he successfully caused our breakup."

"Watching them making fun of his love one, he couldn't control his fist and ended up beating every single boy and forced them to tell the story from beginning. " Now Taehyung couldn't help but fist his hands in a punch. Oh how much he hated harassment and bullyings.

 "Rough bumping and vulgar comments were usually thrown at her but after the revelation of our officially dating, she got picked on by almost everyone. Girls would give her hard time for snatching me and boys would tease her by sexual advances. She never told me about her sufferings as she didn't want to give me any trouble which could result in losing the so called 'fame and reputation of mine'."

"The bullying was severe which I may have ignored as some minor injuries. I was blinded by my popularity and achievements and payed no attention to the obvious mocking and comments on her even by my own friends. If i had payed more attention to her and trusted her more then neither the harassment would happened nor she would left. After listening all the wrongdoers, I marched towards the offender senior control and fought hard till I couldn't feel any pain on my hands."

" But the ache in my heart never ceased. I am still waiting for her though. That one day, she'll be able to forgive me and come back in my arms. Now my once bright eyes might have cloudy vision in them but I can still recognize her from miles away. Is that a little selfish of me to wish that she hadn't married anyone and stayed single? I know that I was fool back then but I'm paying for my mistakes until now. "

"Can't god have some mercy on me and give me back my love. I don't care about her gray hairs, fake teeth, hunch backbone. She's still my sweetheart. I don't want to meet her on my death bed or watch her cry from the above when she visit at my gravestone."

Taehyung had cleared all hues at this moment after watching that old man to wail out loud for his lover. He never thought that a strong old man was suffering like this, nobody can guess that a cheerful man was hiding so much pain behind his cheerful facade. 

" Thank you Grandpa for sharing your story but i am not going to let my girl go just because of foolish ego. Now i should take my leave. Thank you! i owe you one" he hugged that old man and kissed his bald oily head. Thanking him again, he run out of the shop.

" Go go.. get your girl" Luke cheered and went back to clean all the dirty glasses while wiping few tears which flowed out without his permission.

Y/n was struggling in locking the cafe while carrying her small bag in other hand. Her shoulders were hurting a lot from excessive work. A cold shower and later a shoulder message from him sounds nice , she just wanted to lay on bed like a dead log. Her thoughts were occupied by resting and sleeping that she failed to notice the movements behind her.

Suddenly something came in front of her when she turned back and scare the shit out of her. She clutched her chest tightly and breathe heavily while glaring at the careless person. He didn't not just worried her to death but still smiling and goofing in front of her like he hadn't done anything wrong.

Glancing at his face, sweats dropping excessively from his forehead to neck, heavy breathing and red cheeks clearing giving the proof that he had been running like a madman. Glimpse of tiredness was also showing from his expression but he had successfully hid them by his wide boxy smile. His wide puppy eyes giving the obvious message that he's sorry which melted her little anger quickly.

She unexpectedly hugged him and locked him in her tight clutch instantly warmed his wounded hurt. She rested her head on his broad chest and sniff a bit of his homely fragrance while his pale pink lips were touching her forehead like soft feathers, he too was taking in the sweet odour of her shampoo and made no attempt to loosen the hug instead he embraced her in his long arms.

" Where were you? Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself anywhere. Do you how worried i was? How can you be so careless?" she blabbered cutely but sincerely without giving him any chance to answer her. She tried to inspected him from head to toe for any injuries cautiously without breaking the hug.

"Let me walk to your home " Tae requested which she hesitantly but still complied with a firm nod.

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